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Farzana Khan of Ottawa

Post #1

"Nice ass, them Indian girls sure got nice bums on them nowadays," Geoffrey Kean said to himself as he spotted the tall, curvy, Sari-wearing young Indian woman getting off the 95 bus at Mackenzie King Bridge in downtown Ottawa. This particularly Indian cutie strode through the crowded hallways of the Rideau Shopping Center like she owned the place, sashaying that big ass from side to side like a pendulum of temptation.

"Where are you going, cutie?" Geoffrey wondered as he began following Miss India throughout the mall. If there's one thing Geoffrey Kean cannot resist, it's a nice ass. And the tall, dark-skinned, bald-headed brother originally from Ajax, Ontario, didn't discriminate based on race or gender. He'd smashed all kinds of ass, from big-booty, feisty Caribbean sisters to skinny, effeminate white dudes and everyone in between. Ass is ass, as far as Geoffrey was concerned.

I'll try anything once, that was Geoffrey Kean's motto when it came to many things, including sex. While pursuing Miss India, he rushed down the escalator and came across a rather interesting couple. A fine-looking young black woman with short hair whose big bum was almost popping out of her Yoga pants, and the portly, middle-aged white dude whom she was with. Daddy issues here we come, Geoffrey Kean thought with a sinister smirk.

Geoffrey Kean finally reached the ground level of the Rideau Shopping Center, and followed Miss India as she crossed the street, heading toward the By Ward Market area. On the steamy day in early August, Geoffrey Kean had nothing better to do than chase booty. Something about the tall, curvy Indian gal mystified him, and Geoffrey Kean liked to get to the bottom of said mystery, pun woefully intended.

Geoffrey Kean had the day off from the good folks of Ellis Don, one of Canada's largest construction companies. They'd hired right two years ago, right after he graduated from the construction management program at Algonquin College. Geoffrey loved his job. He made good money, and lived in a nice apartment in the Nepean sector of Ottawa, not far from his old stomping grounds. On his day off, Geoffrey Kean was looking for a good time, and a bit of trouble...

"Now we're getting somewhere," Geoffrey Kean said to himself as he followed Miss India into a nondescript building not far from the Honest Lawyer Bar. For a brief moment, Geoffrey wondered if he might have gotten himself into trouble. If worse comes to worst, he'd just tell whoever asked that he was apartment hunting in the are and got lost. That seemed plausible enough, as it were...

"Welcome to the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian And Transgender Support Group," came a booming voice, and Geoffrey Kean watched as Miss India entered a meeting hall, one which was packed with people. Standing at the podium, a tall, large, brown-skinned man with a rainbow T-shirt and brown trousers spoke to the others.

After taking a discrete look around, Geoffrey Kean sat down. The place was strange, to say the least. The Indian cutie was only a few meters away from him, sitting between a masculine-looking white woman with short red hair and a skinny black guy with a lisp who laughed a bit too loudly. This place is full of queers, Geoffrey Kean thought to himself, and he shook his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to our sister, Farzana Khan has a story to share with us," Mr. Rainbow Shirt said, and everyone in the room clapped. Geoffrey Kean watched, amazed, as the tall, curvy young Indian woman whom he called Miss India in his mind walked to the front of the room and took the mike from the rainbow dude, after giving him a friendly hug.

"Thank you, Robbie, it's good to be here, it's not easy being transgender and from a South Asian background, but I'm glad to be here, seeing you, my fellow LGBT, definitely gives me strength," Farzana Khan said, speaking softly. As the tall gal went on, applause erupted all over the room. Geoffrey Kean blinked in surprise, astonished by what he'd just heard. This big-booty Indian chick with the kind of body that Beyonce would envy is actually transgender? Get the fuck out of here!

"Can you believe this shit?" Geoffrey said to the person seating next to him, a chubby Asian dude who looked like a yellow version of Jack McFarland, the flamboyant gay dude from that old show Will & Grace. The Asian dude muttered something rather unintelligible and then Geoffrey shrugged, and continued listening as the young Indian woman, no, ahem, young transgender Indian lady went on...

"I'm happy to live in Canada, a place where people like us, bisexuals, gays, lesbians and transgender people, can Kartal Türbanlı Escort live without persecution and love who we love," Farzana Khan continued, and Geoffrey Kean stroked his goateed chin thoughtfully. While he wasn't opposed to hooking up with a sexy lady or a hard-bodied man, Geoffrey didn't make any fuss over his sexuality the way these ( mainly white ) Canadian queers did. Fuck who you want to fuck and keep your mouth shut about it, Geoffrey thought.

Geoffrey Kean had no desire to do what these queer white folks did. There was no place in his life for this kind of shit. Geoffrey had a daughter, Emily, from a relationship with a white woman named Marguerite Devlin. They got along okay, doing the co-parenting thing for the sake of their daughter. Geoffrey Kean kept his secret life just that, a secret, from his family and friends.

As Farzana Khan and other queers shared their tales of triumph and woe, Geoffrey Kean began to feel a bit uncomfortable. In the eyes of the world, he'd be considered bisexual due to his sexual encounters with women and men. Geoffrey wasn't keen to embrace that label, preferring to have his cake and eat it too, albeit discretely. He was just about to leave when all of a sudden, all eyes were on him...

"Anyone else have a story to share? You, sir, don't be shy, please come forward," Farzana Khan said, and she smiled at Geoffrey Kean as if they'd known each other their whole lives. As everyone around him began to clap, Geoffrey considered making a beeline for the door, then stopped. Growing up in Ajax, Geoffrey had endured his share of adversity and never run from a fight, or anything else. Manning up, he walked to the podium.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jay, and it's good to see so many people comfortable with their sexuality, I'm the type who's down for whatever, so do your thing and be happy, I say," Geoffrey Kean said, and the room erupted into a mixture of laughter and applause. Geoffrey felt like he was Hollywood actor and comedic legend Eddie Murphy at the Apollo Theater back in the day. A brother could get used to this, Geoffrey thought as he got ready to return to his seat, a smile on his face.

"Thank you for sharing this with us, Jay, I'm Farzana and this is Robbie, we're glad to have you with us," the tall, beautiful transgender Indian cutie said, and for a moment, Geoffrey Kean froze. Even though he knew that she was a transgendered person, he still had trouble believing it.

For some reason, Farzana reminded Geoffrey of his long-time crush, Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai, at one point considered the world's most beautiful woman. He had every one of her movies. And he watched her stuff on YouTube all the damn time. Well, Farzana definitely has more ass, Geoffrey thought with a smile. Amazingly, Farzana looked Geoffrey up and down, then smiled mysteriously. Geoffrey returned her smile, and then walked back to his seat.

"After the meeting, help yourselves to some refreshments," Robbie said, and Geoffrey smiled. He'd been flirting with the idea of catching the 12 bus to go to Creole Sensations, the east-end Haitian restaurant which he was so fond of. Geoffrey stuck around, and helped himself to Pepsi and a fish sandwich, and then surprised himself by mingling with the others.

"Hello again," came a feminine voice, and Geoffrey turned around, and his heart skipped a beat. For before him stood a vision of beauty. Farzana Khan, looking gorgeous, a sly smile on her pretty face. She's totally in my personal space but I don't mind, Geoffrey thought. Farzana looked into Geoffrey Kean's eyes, and licked her lips. For some reason, this simple gesture on her part caused Geoffrey to feel a frisson down below...

"Farzana, you are very lovely, and I liked your confidence up there," Geoffrey said, trying to break the ice. Farzana Khan smiled and nodded gracefully. The two of them stood there, bantering, and for a moment, Geoffrey totally forgot about all the other people in the room. Transgender or not, a gorgeous lady is a gorgeous lady, Geoffrey thought, and he flirted with Farzana and began to get his Mack on, as they say...

"You're a man of mystery, Jay, I do hope we haven't seen the last of you," Farzana Khan said, and Geoffrey Kean smiled. They made small talk for a bit, and then exchanged numbers. Geoffrey Kean wished her a good day, and they had an awkward handshake. Geoffrey walked away, feeling funny. He was still smiling when he left the strange house and emerged on the street. What the fuck did I just do? Geoffrey wondered, amazed at his own behavior.

Geoffrey Kean went home that day, feeling a bit funny Kartal Otele Gelen Escort about the day's events. As he lay on his bed, he thought about Farzana Khan, the beautiful and lively, transgendered Indian cutie. Definitely a very unique individual, Geoffrey thought. Thinking about Farzana's beautiful face, curvy body and mesmerizing ass, Geoffrey fell asleep with a smile on his face and a song in his heart...

"I do love closet cases, even if they're bad for me," Farzana Khan said to herself, as she lay in bed, and thought about her encounter with Jay. The dude had been following her since the mall and she was close to calling the cops when he caused her to change her mind. Standing up at the podium, he hadn't been too forthcoming but like most LGBT people, Farzana understood how to speak in codes. Jay was definitely bisexual, at the very least.

The following day, Farzana was pleasantly surprised when Geoffrey Kean called her, and they ended talking for over an hour on the phone. Farzana enjoyed the sound of Geoffrey's voice, and he was quite forthcoming. He admitted to swinging both ways and to impulsively following her, but also thanked her for welcoming him at the LGBT meet-and-greet. Impromptu encounters often change our lives, Farzana thought with a sly smile.

"Let's grab coffee at Starbucks," Geoffrey Kean proposed, and Farzana Khan waited for ten seconds before agreeing to meet him a couple of days later. Farzana showed up at the Starbucks at Rideau, dolled up to the nines, clad in a black tank top, black leather pants and black leather boots. Geoffrey showed up in a red silk shirt, black silk pants and black Timberland boots. He reeked of cologne, but looked so good that Farzana forgave him for it...

"Hello handsome," Farzana said, and Geoffrey surprised her by taking her hand in his and gently bringing it to his lips. They sat at a quiet corner by the window, and spent the next couple of hours getting to know each other while drinking coffee. Farzana is a lot more interesting than I thought, Geoffrey mused. The two of them were getting along nicely, and he wanted to know more...

"You fascinate me, Farzana, I definitely want to know you better," Geoffrey said, earnest, and Farzana looked at him and paused. Her eyes met his, and she saw that the cocky brother from Ajax, Ontario, was quite sincere. What do I have to lose? Farzana wondered, and she decided to take a chance. Dating as an ethnic minority and a transgender woman in a cutthroat environment like Ottawa wasn't easy, but what is life without risk?

"I feel the same way, handsome," Farzana replied, and she laid her hand on top of Geoffrey's, and the two of them exchanged a smile. That's how it all began, the relationship destined to change both of their lives. Geoffrey Kean, the secretly bisexual black stud who was so used to hopping from female bed to male bed that he never realized that he craved true love, and Farzana, the beautiful transgendered Indian diva who badly needed to uncover her fragile heart. What a pair they made...

"Dance with me," Geoffrey Kean said to Farzana, a few weeks later, as they stood on the dance floor inside The Bourbon Room, one of Ottawa's nicest evening establishments. Farzana looked gorgeous in a low-cut red dress, and Geoffrey looked fantastic in a dark gray suit and black silk pants. Everyone they went, people stared. Geoffrey knew what they saw. A tall and manly brother from the Caribbean with a lovely, curvy Indian gal on his arm. If they only knew...

"Thought you'd never ask," Farzana replied, and Geoffrey grinned and kissed her. Just like that, they began dancing to their own rhythm. Hip Hop icon Beyonce's All The Single Ladies played in the background, to the infinite delight of the young women of all hues who came to the club with their fellas. As Farzana and Geoffrey did the bump and grind, he felt aroused due to her pressing her big bum against his groin...

"Don't tease me with this big beautiful ass," Geoffrey Kean whispered into Farzana's ear, and the gorgeous gal kept grinding against him. Geoffrey felt his dick harden in his pants, and his breath quickened. Dammit I want this woman, Geoffrey thought. Farzana suddenly turned around and brazenly planted a kiss on his lips. He looked into her eyes and she looked into his. Hand in hand, they left the club together...

"You've been talking about my ass all night, well, take a look," Farzana Khan said in a low, seductive tone. They'd gone back to her place in Gloucester, not far from the old Scotiabank movie theater, formerly Silver City. Geoffrey sat on the living room couch, Kartal Ucuz Escort watching as Farzana Khan stood before him, hands on her hips. Turning around, she unzipped her dress, then let it fall to the floor.

"You're so beautiful," Geoffrey Kean said, as he admired Farzana Khan's tall, curvy body. With her angelic face, voluptuous body, large breasts, wide hips and big round ass, she was a vision of beauty. Farzana blew him a kiss and twerked her big brown ass for him, and she almost made Geoffrey cream in his pants. Farzana pinched her nipples with one hand and stroked her dick with the other. Geoffrey watched as Farzana masturbated before him, and his arousal only grew...

"Come to me, handsome," Farzana commanded, and Geoffrey rose from the couch, and walked up to her. They kissed again, and she unbuttoned his shirt, and unzipped his pants. Geoffrey held his breath as Farzana freed his dick from his pants and began stroking his long and thick, glistening chocolate stick. Gently Geoffrey caressed Farzana's breasts, and gave her big brown ass a firm slap.

"I love this ass," Geoffrey said, and a grinning Farzana kissed him again. The two lovebirds tumbled on the carpeted floor, and began exploring each other. Farzana climbed on top of Geoffrey, and smiled as she felt his hard dick under her. Rolling a condom on his dick, Geoffrey put her on all fours and first licked her asshole, then lubricated her. Farzana moaned softly, stroking her big brown dick as Geoffrey caressed her huge round ass and lubricated her butt hole...

"Make love to me," Farzana cried out, and Geoffrey licked her asshole, and then pressed his dick against her backdoor. Gripping her hips, Geoffrey pushed his dick into Farzana's asshole. With a swift thrust he entered her. Farzana cried out as Geoffrey's huge Afro-Caribbean dick entered her bum, and he began fucking her. Even with the lubricant, he felt huge inside of her. Geoffrey smiled, loving the way Farzana's big brown ass bounced under the force of his thrusts.

"Give me that sweet ass, gorgeous," Geoffrey cooed softly, as he continued fucking the young woman he thought of as his gorgeous transgendered Indian goddess. Farzana's moans mingled with his own, and it didn't take him long to cum. Afterwards, Geoffrey pulled out of Farzana's bum. The young woman lay there, sighing happily. Geoffrey pulled Farzana into his arms and kissed her. Gently Geoffrey sucked on her breasts and stroked her big brown dick.

"Go for it," Farzana said, and she watched as Geoffrey held her big dick in his hands. Is he too macho to pleasure me orally? Farzana wondered. Her doubts melted away like ice in the sun as Geoffrey took her dick into his mouth. The bisexual black stud began sucking Farzana's dick like his life depended on it. Massaging Farzana's balls while fellating her, Geoffrey sucked his transgendered girlfriend's dick like there was no tomorrow...

"I love the way you taste," Geoffrey said, as he sucked every last drop of cum from Farzana Khan's big brown dick. The transgendered Indian beauty sighed happily, and looked at her masculine lover with real love in her eyes. Geoffrey drew Farzana into his arms and kissed her full and deep. Just like that, the two of them continued to make love in entirely new ways, exploring each other beyond ridiculous boundaries...

"Give me that ass, handsome," Farzana Khan whispered into Geoffrey's ear as she gripped his hips and began working her dick into his ass. They'd used a lot of condoms and lubricant tonight, and the fun was just beginning. Geoffrey felt nervous as Farzana began to get that dick of hers into his bum. He'd always been a top with his lovers, female and male. He loved cramming his big black dick into the mouths, pussies and assholes of his lovers. Nevertheless, he'd always been curious about the other side and now it was time to explore...

"Oh fuck, Farzana, go easy on me," Geoffrey said, moaning deeply as Farzana Khan gripped his hips and worked her dick up his ass. While fucking Geoffrey's ass, Farzana grabbed Geoffrey's cock and balls, massaging them gently. Geoffrey was tense at first, but soon his doubts and fears melted away and he began to relax and enjoy himself. Farzana held tightly onto the man she loved as she fucked his ass mercilessly, just the way Geoffrey so desperately needed it.

Afterwards, Geoffrey Kean and Farzana Khan lay in each other's arms, happy as can be. They talked about their recent outings in the City of Ottawa, the state of the night life in the Canadian capital, and all that jazz. Neither of them knew what life had in store for them. Geoffrey looked at Farzana and smiled, thankful to have someone in his life whom he could be his true self around. Farzana Khan gently kissed Geoffrey on the lips, and rested her head against his hairy, manly chest. There were no perfect moments in this life or any other, but for the two of them, this particular moment was close enough...
05-02-2024, at 12:08 AM

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