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My Turn
Post #1
![]() ![]() I watched as Chloe walked back to her car. On the way back, neither of us said a word. If I didn't know her so well, I would've thought she was angry with me. But I know it wasn't anger, it was contemplation. She was considering the events that had just transpired, and I can't say I blame her. We both broke our own rules to a small degree. We hadn't crossed the line into full penetration, but we had come very fucking close. I could still taste her juices mixed with my own, and my member started to grow again. I still couldn't believe she let me lick her pussy. I thought for sure she would have stopped us right then and there. I was just so caught up in the moment, I couldn't help myself. God, I couldn't get enough of her. And then came the big surprise of her actually taking my cock into her mouth. The memory of her mouth sucking at my cock made me want to jump out of my truck and take her right then and there. Fortunately, I had enough control to resist such impulses. As I watched her walk away, she turned around and gave me a devilish grin as she winked at me. That's when I knew we would meet again, but this time, it would be me in control. And I definitely had some ideas of my own. We didn't speak for several days after our last ride. It wasn't that we were playing games, we were both simply busy with our own respective lives. I had been using this time to figure out what I was going to do for our next joyride, and I had come up with something special. It was, however, pretty risky. Either she would absolutely love it, or she would never speak to me again. Go big or go home, I always say. Risk is always involved with anything we do. We were risking getting caught by our respective significant others. And, if truth be told, we were risking falling back in love with each other. That was something we both knew wouldn't happen, but as I said, there's always an element of risk. I decided to text her and see if she would be available for another ride. Me: Hey, what have you been up to. Her: Hey! Not much, mostly working and taking care of the kids. You? Me: About the same. Work, home, work, home. God, I need a fucking life...lol. Her: Ha-ha, I hear ya. So, what brings you by? Me: I was hoping you would like to go for another ride. Her: Well it's about fucking time! I was wondering if you were ever going to ask me to go riding again. I was beginning to think I had scared you off. Me: There's not a chance in hell that would happen. If anything, it has made me want to see you even more, if that's possible. Her: I'm glad to hear you say that, and I really do still want to, but I have to be honest. We kind of overstepped our bounds last time and I'm not sure I want to chance us going even further. Me: I completely understand. If you don't want to, just say so and things will go back to as before with no hard feelings. But I must tell you, if you do say yes, This time I am in charge. You will do as I say, no questions asked, no argument. I know it's a big step, asking you to trust me to this degree, but that's the deal. Her: ... Me: Chloe? Her: Ok, I'm in. Met at our usual spot? Friday night 9 o'clock? Me: Sounds wonderful. I can't wait to see you again. Her: Neither can I. I exhaled slowly as I laid my phone down on my desk. I just sat there, letting everything that had just transpired sink in. She agreed. We were going to meet. I won't lie, I was kind of worried there for a second. If she had said no, then I knew our little adventures would soon be coming to an end. Now I just had to make sure everything was in order and follow through. The week passed slower than any week I've ever lived through. We spoke on a Wednesday, so it was only a couple of days until we would see each other, but the anticipation was killing me. As I said, what I had planned was pretty risky in so far as what she might would be willing to do. But in a weird way, she had kind of called my bluff. And if there's one thing she should know about me, it's that I don't back down easily. If I had thought the week was slow in passing, then the seconds I spent counting until 9PM on Friday was nothing short of Chinese Water Torture. I had arrived at our usual meeting place a little early (by half an hour, actually) and was goofing around on my phone when I saw her pull up and park next to me. I waved, then got out to greet her properly. "Hey," I said, "You actually showed up!" "When have I ever not shown up?" She asked with mock incredulity. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant you came considering my terms. Which, before we get going, I need to make a couple of things clear." This seemed to have taken her slightly aback. "I'm seriously wondering if I should be concerned here," She mused. "What exactly are you planning?" "Ok, first thing's first. We need to have a safe word. I want you to come up with it so it'll be easier for you to remember." She Bycasino raised her eyebrows in a questioningly manner, but then put her mind to it. A moment later, she had it. "Banana," She said, smiling. I nodded my approval. "Ok. It's fairly standard so it should be easy to remember. Good choice. Now, second thing," I looked at her quite seriously now. "I want you to swear to me that if at any point, and I do mean at any point, if you get uncomfortable, or if you start to feel unsafe, then you will say the safe word. At that moment, everything stops and I bring you straight back here. No questions, no hard feelings." She looked at me like I had lost my mind. "Of course I will. But I know you. I know you would never intentionally hurt or scare me." I nodded. "True. But tonight, you're going to see a different side of me, and I want to have all bases covered." She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed me softly on the lips. Then she pulled me closer and whispered ever so sweetly in my ear, "I swear. Now, stop fucking with me and let's have some fun." We drove in silence for a while. She attempted some small talk, but I didn't respond. I wasn't trying to be cruel, I just didn't trust myself to not let anything slip. She finally gave up and sat there, arms folded staring out the window. After several more minutes, the place where we were going came into view. "We're here." I said. I pulled onto this small dirt drive just off the side of the road. We were isolated by a tree line so that the only way someone could see us was coming up from behind us and see the back of my truck for a second before the road curved away. I put the truck in park and got out. I walked around to her side and opened the door for her. "Such a gentleman," She said as she exited the vehicle. I pulled her close to me and with as soft a tone of voice as I could muster without actually whispering I firmly said, "Not another word." She stared at me, unblinking. Her mouth started to formulate what I assumed was to be a rather assertive reply. But I held up a finger, indicating I wasn't finished. "I told you the other day I would be in charge, and earlier I said you would see a different side of me. And you will. It's a side of me that no one, including myself, has seen. Do you remember when I told you I have grown more dominant in the bedroom? Well, I decided to combine that newfound confidence and your desire to explore S&M. I'm going to show you true dominance." I pushed her gently against the side of my truck, turning her around so she could feel my manhood against the small of her back. I breathed heavily across the back of her neck. Goosebumps appeared all up and down her arms. "I am in control here. You will not speak unless I give you permission. You will obey my every command. You will submit to my every whim. You are mine to do with as I please. Do you understand?" A moment passed. Then she turned her head to face me and said, "Yes sir." I grinned. The first lesson of the evening. With my open palm, I gave her a rather harsh slap across her ass. "I didn't give you permission to speak. So, let's try this again. Do you understand?" This time, her mouth moved as if to speak, but she caught herself just in time. Instead, she simply nodded her head. "Good girl. When I do grant you permission to speak, you will refer to me as "Sir". Do you understand?" Again, she nodded. "Excellent. Now, turn around and face me." Slowly, she did as I instructed her. She didn't quite avert her gaze, but she didn't make direct eye contact, either. Had I gone too far already? Had I genuinely upset her? I decided to pull back just a little and test the waters. "I want you to tell me a secret." She hesitated for only a moment, unsure if I was going to trick her just to spank her. I nodded, encouraging her to speak. "What would you like to know?" "Something no one else knows about you. Something you think others would judge you for." She looked thoughtful for a second, then responded. "Last week, when you kissed me right after I went down on you, that was one of my favorite things to do. And you didn't even know, you were just caught up in the moment. But I've done it before, with other men. And it's an enormous fucking turn-on for me. I'm getting wet right now just thinking about it." Although I didn't show it, I was quite stunned at this revelation. It wasn't something I had really thought about. It just happened. I honestly thought she was grossed out by it since she hadn't mentioned it at all. But I was glad she felt comfortable enough to share something so intimate at this time. It showed me she was so far ok with everything that was happening. Maintaining composure, I continued. "Very good. Now, leave your shirt on, but remove your bra. I want you to play with your nipples." Without hesitation, she pulled Bycasino giriş her arms into her loose-fitting shirt and began a Houdini-esque performance of undergarment removal. Within seconds, she held out her bra to me as if for military inspection. I took it from her and tossed it into the back of my truck. I took a step closer and put my hand on her left breast. I could feel her excitement through the thin fabric of her clothing. Her nipples were sharp, pointy, and clearly visible through her shirt. "I said for you to play with your nipples." I reminded her. "Do you want to keep me waiting?" She reached underneath her shirt with both hands and began twisting and pulling at her nipples. She started slow but became increasingly rough as time went on. Soon she was tugging at them so hard I thought they would pull right off. But no matter how hard she pulled, or how far she twisted them, she continued to moan with nothing but pleasure. Sure, she was feeling pain, but it was a pain she was relishing. This was purely a pleasurable pain. Watching her do this was making me unbelievably hard. It was becoming more and more difficult to stand there and watch her without making any sort of contact. All I wanted to do was to lick her pussy. And yes, fuck her. In any way. I wished she would look down and witness my cock's gallant attempt to rip through my clothing and take her where she stood. I wanted to feel her fingers wrap around my shaft, her hand jerking back and forth until my hot load shot out and covered her chest and lips. I had to do something before I came. I lifted her head up by her chin. "I want you to put your fingers in your pussy, then let me suck on them." At first I wasn't sure if she heard me. Her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in her own ecstasy. But then I noticed her hand moving down the side of her body. She was wearing a loose-fit, knee-length skirt. Obviously, she had come straight away from work. She pulled her skirt up just enough to stick her hand underneath without giving me a clear view her pussy. I could see the undulating movements as she worked her hand in and out that sweet, wet snatch. I was transfixed as she withdrew her hand from her pants and held up her fingers to my mouth. I sucked at them as if I were a newborn baby, feasting on its mother's milk for sustenance. Her eyes burned into me with unfiltered lust, and there was no mistaking what was behind that stare. I pushed her up against my truck, pressing my body against hers, which in turn pressed her body against the truck's bed. "Don't move," I said to her in her ear as I lightly traced my fingers down her arms. I could feel her tremble slightly in response to my touch. I leaned in and started kissing her neck, slowly making my way down to her breasts. My hands slipped under her shirt, cupping her full breasts as I gave them a playful squeeze. She knew I loved to play with her massive tits, and she arched back just a little to give me better access. I pulled her shirt over her breasts, but didn't remove it fully. I liked messing around partially clothed. But also, you never know when you might need to make a quick exit. I teased the tips of her nipples with my tongue until they were almost as hard as my cock. I glanced up to see Chloe's eyes closed in ecstasy. That was when I decided it was time for me to embrace my darker side. I sucked at one of her nipples, and without warning I bit down on it. It wasn't a playful nip, either. I didn't bite it hard enough to bite it off, but it was most assuredly more painful than anything I've done up to this point. "Hey!" She exclaimed in alarm. "What the hell?" I stood up immediately and locked eyes with her. "I seem to recall being quite clear that I was in control here and you were not to speak unless I gave you permission." With that, I reached up and twisted a nipple but didn't release it. The look on her face was one of utter disbelief. She stared at me as if I were a complete and total stranger. Which, considering this was extremely out of character behavior for me, I might as well have been. "I want to hear you say that I am in control. I want you to look me dead in the eye when you say it, so I know that you mean it." For the first time since all of this started, Chloe looked genuinely nervous. It was one thing to be dominant and setting the rules yourself, but it's another matter entirely when it's someone else making the rules, regardless of how well you know and trust them. I could sense her hesitation, and once again I found myself wondering if I had pushed her too far. But then she found her resolution. Making full eye contact, she said to me in no uncertain terms, "You are in complete control, sir. I fully submit my body for your pleasure." Before I could respond, she added, "But if this is where you want this to go, then you better fucking commit. You want to dominate me? Then you'd better damn well fucking do it." The was no smile as she said this. She Bycasino deneme bonusu was completely serious, which was a good thing since I was as well. I began kissing down the length of her body, stopping for a few moments to pay special attention to her huge breasts. This time I bit down as I licked, giving her a mixture of sensations to experience. I continued my decent, kissing, touching, fondling, and pinching my way towards my objective. She moaned with every trace of my tongue and every slap of my open palm on her ass. I was careful to not leave any marks, lest her significant other discover them. I finally found myself where I wanted to be. My tongue traced an outline around that beautiful pussy I've so longed for. Her breaths were coming in short gasps now, her excitement plainly evident. Our one unbreakable rule was no penetration, and I had no intention of putting her in a compromising position. So, I licked at her outer lips and along the inside of her thighs while my hands squeezed her ass. I could hear her moaning louder, and that emboldened me. With one hand I roughly squeezed and pulled at her ass cheek, and with my other I began to circle the ridge of her tight asshole. Chloe squealed in surprise, but didn't back away. As my tongue danced around and inside her dripping wet cunt, my finger was slowly making headway into her forbidden entrance. Just as I was about to enter her asshole, I pulled back. Chloe looked down at me like I was the biggest fuck to leave her in such a state. I suddenly stood up and turned her around, facing away from me. I reached under the front set and grabbed a small bottle of lubricant. I applied some to my fingers, and some to her lovely asshole. I know she desired pain, but I didn't have to be cruel. She looked at me with crazed animalistic lust, and offered her ass for my enjoyment. I stepped up behind her and placed my middle and index finger to her hole. With deliberate slowness, my fingers entered her. She gasped and held her breath, then finally relaxed. I worked my fingers slowly, giving her time to get adjusted. Soon, however, she was pushing herself back onto my fingers with enthusiasm. I reached up and grabbed Chloe by her hair and pulled hard. She yelped with pain, but never slowed down. In fact, she began to rock back and forth faster. I tugged at her hair once more and said, "You like that? You like it when I yank on your hair while I fingerfuck your ass?" She responded with a breathy, "Yes! Dear God, yes. I love it when you fuck my ass, sir." I pressed on, "You know what you are? You're my little fuckslut. I want to hear you say it." "I'm your little fuckslut," She responded. "I want to be your fuckslut and do whatever you want me to do." I let go of her hair, then reared my hand back and smacked her hard on her ass. "Whatever I want?" I growled. "Anything." She moaned. I spanked her again just a little harder this time. My fingers were ramming in and out of her asshole, and she in return was bucking like a wild mare in heat. "You like that, you little fuckslut? How do my fingers feel in your ass?" I grunted. She turned to look at me, then said, "Is that the best you can fucking do?" I hesitated for only a moment, not really sure if I heard what I thought she said. "Excuse me?" I said. "Is that the best you got? Have you reached your boundaries?" She glared at me with wild abandon. She was a beast unleashed, and she would not be denied. I withdrew my fingers and stood there, staring at her. "Do you really want me to answer that?" I asked. She looked over her shoulder to face me. "If you think you've got the balls..." "Be very careful what you wish for," I warned, slapping her ass hard once more. "I've already said you were going to see a different side of me tonight." "So you've said," She agreed. "But your 'dark side' has not really emerged, yet. True, you've shown promise. But I want you to fucking dominate me. I want you to fucking hurt me. I want you to fuck me like I'm the dirtiest whore, because I am." She was practically drooling with lust, her primal urges rapidly coming to the surface. I grabbed her once again by the back of her hair. But instead of puling, I forced her head forward, bending her over the bedside of my truck. I undid the button and unzipped my jeans and let them and my boxers fall to the ground leaving my fully erect cock exposed. I took my cock in my hand and slapped Rae's bare ass. She cooed with anticipation. I slapped her with my cock a couple more times, then told her, "Get on your fucking knees, slut." She turned around to face me. She whispered, "Yes, sir." And then she dropped to her knees. I looked down at her. "Take my cock in your hand and stroke it." Again, she replied, "Yes, sir." before wrapping her fingers around my thick shaft. She started working her hand back and forth on my swollen member, never taking me in her mouth, but just teasing the head with her tongue. God, this woman knows how to play with my cock. Her strokes grew more and more intense as she cupped my balls in her other hand. I loved it when she would play with my balls while she fucked me all those years ago when we were married. |
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