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Guardian's Princess

Post #1

I was deep in thought in my library when the door opened abruptly. My eyes fixed on the intruder. "I asked not to be disturbed Stacie, what is so important that can't wait until later."

Stacie's gaze immediately settled on the floor, she knew that she would indeed be punished for this transgression. "I am truly sorry to interrupt your study sir, but the princess has returned."

My heart skipped a beat, I returned my gaze to my books so my eyes would not betray my excitement. "Really?"

"Yes sir, it is her, and she is as beautiful as you have described her."

"Please see to it that she is bathed and comfortable and then ask her to wait in my private study."

"Your private study, sir?" Stacie's eyes grew large with excitement.

"The princess should have the key, and you know that you are not to enter that room, you may lead the princess there, but you are not to enter."

"Yes sir," the disappointment could be heard in Stacie's voice, but she still had much to learn before she would gain access to the inner sanctum of the estate. Stacie quickly turned towards the door.

"And Stacie?"

"Yes sir,"

"Ask the princess if she remembers how to properly greet her Guardian when he arrives."

Stacie's eyes twinkled in excitement. She bowed slightly, "As you wish m'leige."

My mind wandered to the memories of my time with the princess, of how we had grown together from friends, to lovers, to our current relationship. Truth be told, she had taught me as much about myself, my strength, my authority as I taught her about unlocking her submissive side and the strength she finds there.

As time passed and we left the corporate world our paths diverged simply because of distance. I moved to this little ranch in Arizona where I could write in peace and where the cold didn't do the damage to my spirit or my knees. She to travel the world writing and reading her poetry. My heart leaped when I would catch a glimpse of her on television at a White House dinner or a Hollywood premier. How I ached to hold her when I saw the second earring, the ever-present ankle bracelet and the lariat that she always wore publicly. These were symbols of our love, of her submission to me, and of my trust as her Guardian.

Even though distance kept us apart, our hearts and souls were forever intertwined.

I felt my desire grow and strain against my pants as I thought of her in the deep tub that she had helped me pick out when I first moved here. The graceful curve of her full breasts in the water, the tantalizing glimpse of her nipple as the water cascaded off of her. Her red hair lying against her alabaster neck. (The latest picture I saw of her in People magazine showed that she had indeed been obedient and let her hair grow.)

I knew that I would have time to prepare, as I knew how My princess loved her leisurely baths so I quickly built a fire in the study, arranged the large soft rug and hid our bag of playthings. I even got a quick workout and shower in before Stacie returned.

Her eyes quickly turned to the floor. "Sir has showered without my warming his towel?"

"Stacie, I had given you other tasks, it is O.K. Is my princess ready?"

Her eyes fixed on the bulge obvious at the front of my jeans.

"Stacie! Turn your eyes away!" I ordered. "You know better than to stare. Your indescretion will be dealt with at a later time."

Stacie's eyes fell to the floor. "Yes, m'leige, your princess awaits you in the study."

"Very good, now you may go to your quarters and ponder your punishment and your disobedience. You are not to disturb the princess and I for 24 hours, is that clear?"

"Yes sir," Stacie silently spoke as she left for the guesthouse.

I slowly made my way to the study, following the light of the fire in the darkened hallway. As I turned the corner I saw her silhouetted by the fire. She knelt in front of the fire, basking in its warmth. Her body looked exquisite as the shadows it cast danced on the wall. I had installed mirrors by the fireplace since her last visit and I could tell that she was not comfortable having to look at herself. She had always been uncomfortable with her own beauty.

Slowly her hands came up to cup her full breasts. This was new; she had always been so reluctant to touch herself.

"Did I give you permission to touch yourself Princess?"

She jumped a little, startled to be caught.

"No Guardian," there was no questioning her excitement.

I began to walk towards her, my boots echoing across the floor. I caught her eyes trying to find me in the mirror.

I stopped my approach, "Is that anyway for a princess to show her obedience, by allowing her impatience to cause disobedience?"

"No Guardian," she whispered.

"Shall I have to return with a blindfold?"

"Please, no Guardian, I will be obedient."

"Yes, princess you will. You always have."

Her eyes returned to the mirror where she was forced to see herself in all of her beauty, where I could see görükle escort all of her beauty, but where she could not quite see me.

"It has been a long time princess."

"Too long guardian." I saw her nipples grow hard in the mirror and her hips began to gently rock of their own accord.

"You have been doing well I see. Very popular, very beautiful, escorted by very successful, very handsome, very wealthy men."

"They are escorts Guardian; you own my body and my heart. Your princess if forever submitted to you." Her voice caught in her throat. At one time while kissing her neck and ears with no other contact my Princess climaxed as the words ownership and submission came from her lips.

"Princess, did you just cum?"

"No Guardian, not quite."

Quietly I stepped in front of her, our eyes met and locked in a look only shared by soul mates. We both wanted to break free of this moment and hug and cry and tell each other how we missed the other, to share about everything going on in our lives. But we also had grown to cherish our ritual of reunion. This ritual allowed us to reconnect, to bond again, to reclaim our relationship that was so strained by distance.

"Stacie is quite beautiful, Guardian."

"Why princess, is that jealousy I detect? She is here by your directive my princess. You know how poorly I take care of myself when I am studying and writing. I forget about dealing with anything other than the task at hand."

"Yes Guardian, but she is so?"

"Yes princess, she is young and beautiful, but she has much to learn. Her training keeps me young and on my toes, but princess?"

"Yes Guardian"

"She does not have my heart, she has not captured my mind, and even though she is being trained, she is not allowed the privilege of my body."

A small smile crossed My princess' face as relief flooded her eyes.

"Princess, is that anyway to greet your Guardian?"

"No, Guardian."

"Then may I suggest that you remember the correct way."

"Yes Guardian."

I walked closer to her, within her reach as her eyes looked into mine. "May I release you from your jeans Guardian?"

"Yes princess"

Efficiently she began to unbuckle my belt and unfasten my jeans. One of the things princess had taught me in this area was patience. How I longed for her touch, the coolness of her hands as they wrapped around my shaft, the heat of her mouth as she tasted my hardness. She however, preferred to take her time, enjoying my expression of delight, heightening both of our anticipation as slowly my cock was released from its denim prison.

Finally she had my jeans undone, and she lowered them around my boots. I looked into her eyes as her hand reached for me. "Princess," I commanded.

Slowly she lowered her hand, the longing I felt and the longing I saw in her eyes was monumental, however, the wait would be pleasing for us both.

"You are not to touch, not yet, not without asking."

"Yes, Guardian," she whispered.

I removed my shirt, and slowly sat on the ottoman behind me. I slowly removed my boots and my jeans as she shone with the brilliant glow of the firelight.

"Stand up Princess," I directed.

Slowly she stood, revealing a small dark spot of moisture on the rug where she had been kneeling. "Are you aroused my dear?" I asked.

Her mischievous grin spread from ear to ear. "What do you think?"

My eyes narrowed, "I didn't ask that did I? I knew you were going to be difficult tonight, you have been away for FAR too long."

"I'm sorry Guardian, I just?"

"Did I ask for an explanation? No. I think we need may need some reminders. Stand right there, do not move, do not speak."

I could hear her sigh as I retrieved our toy bag from the corner. Quickly I made my way across the room to where she was standing. "Princess, tonight I am going to remind you all of the things that make our relationship so very special. Now, you need to kneel." We had been so close for so long I could almost read her mind so I answered her question before she asked which would have required more training. "Yes, Again."

Slowly she knelt in front of me, the stiffness of my erection just inches from her face. I wanted so badly for her to take it, probably more than she desired to open her mouth and taste me. But there would be time for that later?

"Please, present your neck for my collar," I commanded.

She looked at me briefly before lowering her head and moving her hair. Gently I slipped a black leather collar around her neck, fastening it behind her. As she straightened herself I felt my breath catch in my chest. "Princess, I have forgotten just how beautiful you look adorned in my collar." I could no longer resist, I quickly dropped to my knees, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.

The kiss was slow, sensual, passionate, each of us remembering the other. After breaking the kiss my Princess looked me in the eyes, there was a small tear streaming down her görükle escort bayan face.

"What's wrong my love?"

She sighed, the sigh that I knew so well. She was searching for words. "I need to confess something to you."


"The picture you saw on the internet and asked me about, the one that I have avoided responding to."

"Go on?"

Again the sigh, "We talked, we danced, we laughed, and we kissed."

"Just who was that man in the picture princess?"

"Mike Modano, sir."

"Sir?" I thought, "She really is uncomfortable, she almost never uses the word sir."

"Go on, please."

"This is hard," again she sighed. "We met in Dallas at a party at Mark Cuban's house. The owner of the Dallas Mavericks. He is a very nice guy and we talked and chatted about everything. Well, he called my agent and asked if I would accompany him to the Country Music Awards in Nashville. I was going to be in Atlanta anyway, and I had met some of the song writers?" her voice was speeding up with her anxiousness.

"Princess, it's ok, tell me more about the dancing and the kissing and?"

"Guardian, there was NO more than that. We went to the awards together and to an after awards party where we mingled and danced."

"Slow or fast?

"Slow," her eyes returned to the floor.


"And, and? we were dancing and we paused for just a brief moment. The aroma of his maleness was filled my senses. I could feel his arms around me. It had been so very long since I had known a man's touch. Our eyes met. It just happened before I even had time to think about it. Our lips met, our tongues met and we kissed. He drew me closer and I knew I aroused him and that he wanted me. I could feel his hardness pressing against me, not insistent, just unmistakable."

"Did that arouse you?"

"Yes, Guardian, I confess it did. It had been so long since I had been here. I was very aroused. He felt?"

I saw the pink rise to her face as she grew embarrassed.

"Go on Princess,"

"He felt warm and hard and very good pressing up against me. It seemed good to have human touch and warmth. Self-satisfaction is better than nothing, Guardian, but I long so much for human contact and we have been apart so very long. I could not help my response."

I felt my confidence begin to ebb, my heart began to break, but I looked her in the eyes. "It's ok princess, I do understand, really I do."

"Guardian, we have agreed that you hear all of my thoughts, my fears, my desires, no secrets. Is this not what you desire from me? I could no more withhold the truth from you than I could my love."

"Yes, princess, we did. Please understand that it's sometimes hard to hear though."

"But Guardian, even though I wanted him, I refused him. I could never have broken our trust like that. For it was truly only physical desire. He is not a man who could ever capture my heart, my soul, and my mind. I could never give my body to someone who did not and there is only one man who has ever done that. Do you not know that your possession of me is complete? Body, heart, mind, and soul?"

I smiled and leaned forward and kissed her again. A slow, lingering kiss. "Thank you princess."

Quickly I reached out and took her wrist and applied a soft leather cuff to each. I felt her body respond to the feel of the leather.

I stood, once again my erection just inches from her lips. Her tongue licked her lips and she began to ease her head forward.

"Princess. I do not recall giving you permission, and I definitely do not recall your asking. I see we do have to return to some training."

I took her hand and helped her to stand. She stood absolutely still, unsure of what path her training would take us, but knowing that it would end in pleasure for us both.

I reached into the bag and found our shoes. They were lacy, they had spiked heels. Her hips rocked slightly as I pulled them out. She wanted to wear them so badly, it was written on her face. I heard her sigh in frustration as I sat them aside. "I think you want the shoes too badly right now and you have some lessons to learn first."

I pulled out the expanding spreader bar and ankle cuffs and quickly secured them to her legs, I was allowed complete access to her now, there would be no hiding.

I chuckled too myself as I moved to the other side of the room.

"What's so funny?" she asked. Her voice had that sing song whine that she gets when she is feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Oh, nothing, I just have a little surprise for you my dear." I returned with a chair, especially made for this occasion. The back had a pillow on which she could comfortably bend. "Bend over the chair, please."

She looked at me and then the chair apprehensively.

I reached out and swatted her on the ass with my hand. Not hard enough to do any damage, but definitely hard enough to get her attention and leave a little pinkness. Rarely had I resorted to spanking in bursa escort our training, so this made princess move with much less hesitation. As she bent over the chair I quickly secured her cuffed wrists to the padded chair arms.

"Now princess, see how beautiful you look." She hesitated looking in the mirror, there were times when she would be uncomfortable with her willingness to submit and how turned on she was by it. Again I swatted her rear. "I said, look."

As she raised her head to look in the mirror I moved behind her so that she could see me as well. I reached up and took her hair, gently but firmly. "You know the rules princess, you are to always watch. I realize this position may make that a bit uncomfortable, so you may rest your neck until I tell you to watch. Is that understood?"

"Yes master," she whispered. I knew she was becoming very aroused, because in our relationship rarely did she address me as master, except when she was slipping to that place of arousal that became a primal need.

I slowly ran my fingers down her back, leaving a trail of goose-bumps as I went. Lower, over her pelvis, down the curve of her ass, reaching between her legs and feeling the heat of her on my hand. She tried to lower her sex onto my waiting hand, but her position wouldn't allow it, she whimpered in quiet frustration.

It was time for my princess to be tormented. I walked to the front of her, and slowly cupped her breasts in my hands. I was amazed by the hardness of her nipples, they almost poked into my palms, I gently pinched them and rolled them in my hands. This elicited moans of pleasure from my princess throat. I must have not been paying nearly enough attention to my positioning, because the next thing I realized was that my cock had halfway disappeared into princess' mouth.

"Princess!" I barked as I moved away. "You still have NOT asked permission, I have tried to be lenient, but you have tried my patience.

"Please Guardian, no."

"I'm sorry princess, but we do have our rules." I returned to the bag and retrieved a 3' long riding crop and a three clips connected by fine chain. Her eyes grew as big as saucers, this would be a very new experience for her.

"What are you doing sir?" she asked.

"I am going to give you a pleasant reminder of the rules, Princess."

I applied clips to each nipple and set the third clip on the chair. Her hips rocked in anticipation of the placement of the third. I walked behind her and sat down on the floor with my back to her. I leaned my head back and blew cool air on her moistened lips causing her to shudder. Then my tongue plunged deep into her, causing a guttural growl to emit from her mouth. Quickly my tongue moved to her clit, licking and sucking it to it's full size.

My princess has the most beautiful clit I have ever seen. When she is aroused it pulses with energy, coming out from behind her hood to be teased and coaxed and pleased. When I felt her hips begin to grind with arousal I stopped my oral manipulation and replaced my lips with the gentle pressure of the third clip. This sensation caused her hips to arch and a small moan to escape her lips.

Quickly I stood and returned to the front of her.

"Please Guardian, your princess wants to eat you, to please you. May I suck your beautiful cock?"

"Yes princess," I moved closer, allowing her lips to close around me. I moved a half a step closer to give her access to about half of my erection. I knew that she had a sensitive gag reflex, and much more than half of me would strain her.

She began to suck me with great fervor, causing a chain reaction in herself. As she would suck her torso would move forward causing a gentle tug on her nipples and her clit sending a pleasing jolt through her body. As this happened her hips would move of their own accord, causing another tug of pleasure.

As she began to feast on me, I slowly and repeatedly began to pinken her ass with light strokes of the riding crop. I wasn't sure the effect this would have on my princess, as rarely had her training involved corporal punishment, however I felt (more than heard) her moans of pleasure around the head of my cock.

It took every ounce of concentration I had to keep myself from releasing penned up passion and desire onto the lovely lips of my princess, but I was not about to let this night end so quickly. I pulled myself to just out of reach of the princess mouth and gently swatted one cheek of her ass and then the other lightly with the riding crop.

I heard her gasp. "Am I hurting you princess?" I asked.

"Mmmm, no Guardian, it feels wonderful."

I slowly walked around the princess until I was standing behind her, gently swatting her as I walked. As I stood behind her I dropped the crop and gently grabbed her hair and slowly tilted her head back, forcing her to see us in the mirror.

"What is it you want princess"

"You Guardian, I want you."

"I did not ask who, I asked what." With that my free hand swatted her pinkening ass cheek hard enough to cause a little jump.

"I want you to claim me, I want you to fill me, I want your cock? Fuck me please Guardian."

"Oh, I will princess, but first I need to see how well you have been behaving in your play time. Have you been a good girl?"
05-13-2024, at 02:41 PM

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