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Wife Humiliates, Hubby's Turned On

Post #1

The wife Carol is the main narrator of this story with some comments from her hubby Bernard. I've tried to give a slightly different twist to cuckolding and cross dressing compared to many stories on Literotica.



"You're not much of a man are you?" I said to Bernard. I was angry and unfairly blamed my hubby after receiving the news that his sperm count was low and this accounted for our inability to have children. I wanted a baby and the clock was ticking. In another few years I would be unlikely to conceive even if I was mating with a man who had a high sperm count. Since we got the news from the fertility clinic I'd been thinking about leaving Bernard and finding another man. It was more in the nature of a fantasy but I found myself checking men out. Wanting to know if they had fathered children and if so fantasising about what it would be like to have sex with them.

I would never cheat on Bernard behind his back but the fantasy returned again and again making me feel horny. I had recently bought a vibrator from the sex shop in town and it was getting plenty of use. Sex with Bernard had dwindled over the last year and now we had the figures on his sperm count we had stopped fucking altogether. I enjoy sex like most women and was becoming increasingly frustrated by the lack of it. So why not take the initiative and jump on Bernard at every opportunity? There was always the chance that I might conceive. Instead I was belittling him undermining his confidence even more. I knew I was behaving illogically but couldn't seem to stop.


Carol's comment about my manhood really hurt but all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, my penis which had been flaccid for so long now stirred a little. Since I had been given the sperm count news I had become clinically depressed with a resultant total loss of any sex drive. The antidepressants prescribed for me had not helped in that area but the pills were a crutch that enabled me to function. I felt I was like a robot just going through the motions completely unable to feel any involvement in anything I was doing. I knew I could not do my job with my usual flare. It wouldn't be long before my employers would notice and I would be in the manager's office. He'd be hinting that I'd be finding another job if I didn't pull my socks up. Not much of a man she'd said. What could I say in reply to her comment?

"I fully agree with you Carol." I found myself responding to my own surprise. Why wasn't I trying to defend myself? Strangely my penis stirred again, this time the thickening remained for longer.

"Well now, I hadn't expected you to agree with me. Are you turning into a wimp?"

"Yes, if you like. My cock has shrivelled up so I can't even have sex with you any more. I'm useless aren't I?" Almost as if my cock wanted to register it's disagreement with my words it rose up in my trousers. I had an erection.

"Useless is quite right. I wish I'd never married you. You sit around the house staring into space whilst I'm doing all the domestic chores. What's the matter with you?


As soon as my words were out of my mouth I regretted saying them. I knew Bernard was depressed and hadn't intended to kick him when he was down. But I was still angry about not having the chance to have a baby and was taking it out on him. Then I had an idea. Removing my frilly flower patterned apron I threw it at him.

"Put this on and fill the dishwasher, then you can hoover round and start on the ironing. I'm going out shopping. If you can't be a man the least you can do is share the housework."

To my surprise Bernard fastened the apron around his waist. He looked strange with it on. Was that a slight bulge changing the line at the front of the apron? I smiled but didn't let on I'd noticed.

"Okay Carol," he said meekly and went off to the kitchen to begin on the dishwasher.

I wandered around the shops in a bit of a daze not having any idea about what I wanted to buy. As I passed the library I stopped and went in, idly looking through the non fiction section. By chance I found a book entitled "Marraige in the 21st century, results from research." I sat down at one of the tables and began to skim through it.

One of the articles caught my eye.

"Recent research shows that more young women admit to having an affair in the first eight years of their marriage than men. Researchers believe that they are answering a primeval urge embedded in the female psyche. A strong compulsion to get a strong virile man other than their husband to father their children. First they find a reliable man who will provide them with a safe and secure home and steady income. Then once the relationship is established the woman is subconsciously looking outside the marriage for an alpha male who will pass his genes on to her offspring."

The article went into further details about this piece of research. It sounded quite genuine to me with hundreds of women participating. There was even evidence to show that istanbul travesti sometimes the husband would permit his wife to look outside the marriage for a better father. There was a chapter entitled "The Willing Cuckold". This related to men who actually got off on the idea of their wife sleeping with other men, not necessarily for procreation reasons. Not only that, they wanted to watch. I found myself becoming aroused. Could this offer a solution to our problems? The thought of finding a stud to inseminate me was very attractive but hardly something Bernard was likely to allow. I thought back to his behaviour just before I left the house. Telling me he could no longer get it up then me seeing that bulge in the front of the apron. It didn't make sense. The only explanation seemed too far fetched to be true. Was he turned on by my put downs? Surely not. Was it about the apron? I wanted Bernard to read the article himself and get his reaction. I took the book to the reception desk and arranged to borrow it for three weeks.


I was pleasantly surprised that my penis was responding to something for a change as I had worried that I might be permanently impotent. It was humiliating to be wearing the frilly apron but my penis obviously liked the idea. The strong erection subsided a little as I concentrated on doing the chores but doing the work in the house seemed to help improve my mood.

I had discovered something about myself. When Carol tells me I'm useless as a man and I agree with her it turns me on. What sort of a weird pervert does that make me? I caught a glimpse of myself as I passed a full length mirror and my penis jerked stiff again. The apron must be the cause. Am I going to become a cross dresser? The thought alone increased my erection further. Perhaps this is just a phase I'm going through as I come out of depression. I consoled myself with that thought.

That night as we were getting ready for bed I was playing close attention to what Carol was wearing. For the first time in my life I was looking at the clothes rather than Carol's body. I thought back to what was said to me earlier and felt a thickening between my legs.

"Sit down on the bed next to me." Carol said, now wearing her nighty. As was her usual practice she was wearing a loose fitting bra and matching panties underneath. I had changed into my pyjamas. Without making it too obvious I was trying to conceal my semi erection with my hands.

"Thank you for the help around the house earlier. You made a good job of it." Whilst the comment seemed patronising since the jobs I did were simple and easy, her praise made me blush a little and glow with pride.

"Thank you Carol." I said sincerely. Carol was looking towards my crotch area.

"I meant what I said earlier. You're not much of a man are you?"

"No I'm not." I agreed, finding my penis doubling in size.

Carol reached for my penis and pulled it out of my pyjama bottoms. She began stroking it.

"That's why I asked you to wear my frilly apron. You seemed to enjoy putting it on. Don't deny it."

"Yes, I did."

"Good, well it will be me who decides when and if we fuck in future. You are not to ask me for sex is that clear?"

"Yes Carol."

"Get into bed and lie on your back with your legs wide. You'll enjoy being in the woman's position won't you?"

"Yes Carol."

She climbed between my legs and lowered herself onto my erect penis facing towards me. I lay still and allowed her to do all the work. She fucked me roughly and vigorously, clearly very excited. I managed to avoid spurting with her first climax and held on as far as her second. At last I'd found my libido again. As fucks go it was one of the best ever.


Bernard was suddenly behaving very submissively and I liked him like that. He's always been fairly quiet and amenable. I've decided to wait a week or two before showing him the article. There are things I can do to help the process along. My doctor friend Wendy may be able to assist. I'll give her a ring tomorrow. I loved the sex we had last night particularly me being on top but I need to ration that. Denial will make sure his cock is in a permanently semi hard state and keep him under my thumb. He'll be eager to please me and that's the way I want him.

"Hi Wendy, thanks for ringing me back, sorry to bother you at work. There's a problem I have with Bernard. Do you think I could call round and see you one night this week?" Wendy's a close friend, I've known her for years.

"Of course you can Carol. How about tonight? We could meet in the pub if you like. It'll be nice to catch up with each other's lives over a relaxing drink."

I paused, then decided. "It's not the kind of problem we could discuss in the pub. I'll bring a bottle of wine round to the house. Is that okay?"

"I'm intrigued. Yes, come around eight o'clock."

Bernard had been the first to arrive home that day and had made our meal. As I glanced through the window istanbul travestileri I saw Bernard quickly removing the flowery apron looking a little bit flushed. He'd seen the car pull into the driveway. Did he want to hide his fascination with wearing the apron? I smiled, idly wondering if he'd been in my panty drawer trying my underwear on. I know some men do that.

"I'm going round to Wendy's tonight. She invited me round for a chat." I lied. "We've not done that for a while. I expect she just wants to catch up on the gossip and what we've been up to."

"You won't tell her about my sperm results will you?" Bernard said.

"Oh sorry Bernie, I already mentioned it when I spoke to her. She's a doctor and probably knew already. It'll all be on your file at the practice. I expect all the staff there know by now. Does it bother you them knowing?" Bernard's face turned red.

"Not really, I expect I'll be the laughing stock of the neighbourhood before long." Bernard said. I noticed a tenting in his trousers.

"Mrs Major next door talks to everybody around here. I think I'll tell her. She loves to spread gossip. You don't really mind people knowing that you're firing blanks do you?"

"Well that's the strange thing. I seem to like it. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You like it when I call you Bernie as well don't you dear?"

"Yes, Carol."

"Okay sweetie, if I tell all your friends they'll start using your new name too. Bernie is much better than Bernard don't you think?"

"Yes Carol."

"I'm planning a few more changes over the next few weeks. I think you'll like them. You may be unsure at first."

"What kind of changes?"

"No need to bother your pretty head about them. Just relax and go with the flow."

"Okay dear." My hubby blushed again.

Later at the doctor's house I plied Wendy with the wine I'd brought with me. I know she enjoys alcohol but rarely gets a chance to imbibe. I fended off her questions about the reason for my visit until she'd swallowed more than half the bottle.

"It's about my marriage to Bernard," I said finally. I explained his reaction to my angry words, the apron, his submissive behaviour in bed and how much I'd enjoyed the change in my hubby.

"I want to take it further. Can you help me make him more feminine? The way he's behaving I think he'll enjoy that. But I don't want to go too fast and scare him."

Wendy grinned broadly squirming a little in her seat. She put her hand on my knee and leaned forward. "Oh Carol, you naughty girl. What did you have in mind?" I smiled back, my friend appeared willing to help.

"Can you recommend medication?"

"Mmm. This a speciality of mine as it happens. Estrogen would help. Then there's progesterone. And you may want to try a testosterone blocker, spironolactone works quite well. It'll take time but he'll gradually start to grow breasts and feel a lot more girly."

"Let's try all three shall we?" The idea was so crazy, so nasty and so kinky that I found myself becoming aroused. I was flushy between my legs and had to open them wide. My face was a deep crimson colour. Wendy stared at me and it was obvious she knew what was happening. I could smell my wet vagina and knew Wendy could too.

"First let me give you a hug. It looks as if you need it." We were sitting on Wendy's low settee. She took me in her arms and I raised my chin to look at her, gently brushing her lips with mine as I did so. Seconds later we were kissing each other open mouthed. The kiss went on and on and I wanted more. My hand moved to stroke her nipple through her thin top. There was no bra to restrict my fingers. She gave a hardly audible moan but then broke the kiss and we moved apart. I'd had a crush on one of the female teachers at school but after that had always believed I was entirely heterosexual. Evidently not it seems.

"I expect that was your first time wasn't it?" I nodded. "I hadn't intended to seduce you. It's my fault. You'll need some time to think it through. I'm here if you want another "hug" but let's not take it any further tonight. Okay?"

I nodded reluctantly, unable to speak. I was going to need my vibrator later.

"Let's get back to the reason you came. Are you planning to start him on this course of pills without his knowledge?"

"Yes Wendy."

"I thought so, you naughty girl. I need hardly tell you that this is highly irregular and would get me into loads of trouble if the General Medical Council ever found out. I'm taking a huge risk that you'll never tell anyone about it. I don't want to be struck off."

"You can trust me, don't worry. Please don't let Bernard know about our kiss."

"Course not, it's just between the two of us, no-one else. The reps come around selling their drugs to the practice so because it's my speciality and they provide free samples I've amassed quite a store of the pills we need. Shall we get him started straight away?"

"You istanbul travesti mean you've got some here in your house?"

Wendy brought bottles of the three types of medication with all the instructions for their use and gave them to Wendy.

"Enough to get you started. Read the paperwork carefully. I'll bring the rest of them home. You can collect them whenever you like." Our eyes met and I blushed. I knew I wanted to visit Wendy again and not just to collect more pills.

We hugged and kissed briefly on the doorstep. Wendy broke the kiss.

"See you soon," she said.

"Sooner than you think." I replied.

The next morning I told Bernard I was putting him on a course of pills.

"It'll make you feel so much better. Wendy my friend recommended them for you. You've been acting a bit odd lately haven't you Bernie?"

"Do you mean my depression? I've stopped taking the antidepressants. I don't seem to need them any more."

"No, I'm glad you're off those pills. They're available from the local health shop. She says they'll be good for you."

"Okay Carol, I'll take them. It can't do any harm."


When Carol started me on the pills I found myself agreeing meekly although I don't really like the idea of swallowing pills normally. I took the antidepressants out of desperation and had to admit that they helped me to cope. But lately I've done pretty much everything Carol suggested, I don't know why.

And now she's told the local gossip all about my sperm count and I didn't even object. Whenever I've been out in town meeting friends I've wondered if they know and for some reason the thought gets me aroused. If I've heard laughter I've thought it was me they were laughing at but strangely I've felt happy about it. I like the fact Carol calls me Bernie.

When Carol was on a visit to Wendy I picked up a book about marriage she'd borrowed from the library. She'd bookmarked a couple of paragraphs about women seeking sex outside marriage with more virile men. I wondered if Carol was thinking of having an affair and the idea excited me. There was a whole chapter about men encouraging their wives to find satisfaction in the arms of other men. This ignited my passions and I found myself spurting into a handkerchief.

As the weeks went by I noticed my voice softening a little and there was a tingling sensation around my nipples. They had become more sensitive and I've played with them when I've masturbated. Over the last six weeks she's only allowed me to enter her a couple of times, both times with her on top. We both seem to like it that way. On several nights she's said she's too tired and moved over onto her back.

"Get your head between my legs you sorry excuse for a man. I need you to orally service me. It's all you're really good for isn't it?"

"Yes Carol," I said. My stiff cock rubbed against the bed sheet whilst I did as instructed. My sperm spilled uselessly onto the sheet.

I've noticed that Carol has been spending a lot more time visiting her friend Wendy lately. She's always in a good mood when she comes back.


I waited a few days before ringing Wendy. I needed to think carefully about what I was getting myself into. But I found to my surprise that I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. Since Wendy lives alone it was easy for me to pop round of an evening for a "chat".

Wendy readily agreed to my visit expressing interest in how Bernard was progressing. Of course these things take time. Wendy met me at the door wearing a full length dressing gown apparently already dressed for bed.

"As you can see I like to get comfortable of an evening after work. Let me take your coat."

I'd dressed in a short miniskirt and white blouse, no bra, my legs bare. Wendy looked me up and down and beamed her approval.

"I take it you're not here to talk about Bernard."

"I want to try that kiss again." I said.

A few moments later we were on the couch with our arms around each other exchanging tongues. Minutes passed until Wendy stopped the kiss and moved her mouth to my ear.

"Have you ever done this before?"

"No, never. I've never been unfaithful to Bernard since our wedding day."

"But you were before that?"

"Er, yes, a few times after we started seeing each other."

"Did Bernard know about it?"

"No, except one particular time when he caught me."

"Tell me."

"It was stupid really. We'd got really close, so much so, that I'd given him a key to my flat. I wanted to settle down with him but, you know how it is, I just wanted one last bit of naughtiness with someone else..."

"Go on."

"Bernard had finished early from work and we didn't hear him come in. We were making a lot of noise at the time."

"You were fucking."

"Yes." I blushed. "He stood and watched. He just seemed to freeze. He knew the guy, it was one of his mates. Then I noticed his erection. I pushed the man off me and told him to leave. Once he was out of the flat I asked Bernard if he could help me out."

"How do you mean help you out?"

"I said I'd not quite finished and could he strip off and get in with me. It worked, resulted in some great sex."

"So did you cheat on him again after that?"

"Yeah, a few times but we were more careful."
05-13-2024, at 01:30 PM

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