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Empire of Vampires 1.2.5 Brothel

Post #1

1.2.5 Brothel

At the door Selene was received by two other women. Dressed as Dominas. Probably the mistresses running the brothel. They were also wearing tight latex clothing. But their faces were covered by masks. Mouth, nose and eyes free, but otherwise completely covered. They wore chastity belts just like Selene and in addition a steel choker.

"So you are the new girl. Have you broken her yet, Richard?" the first woman asked.

"Not yet. She has yet to learn to be submissive. Pack her up and take her to a nice cell. And bring her the most wealthy suitors. But be gentle with her first. Punish her only in case of disobedience for the time being," Richard ordered.

"Don't worry, my pretty one, you will be well received by the boys. Hands behind your back!" she commanded.

Selene obeyed and was handcuffed. Her elbows were also chained together. The second woman put a crotch chain on her. An additional chain connected the crotch chain to the handcuffs. Pretty massive Selene thought. Probably escape-proof. Probably custom-made for her. It took her quite some effort not to resist, but once she was handcuffed, it became easier for her to fit into the role of a slave.

They put a black head mask on her, which only left eyes and mouth free. The guards weren't as gentle as her own maids, but they arranged her hair so that it didn't hang in her face. Her nose was fitted with nasal tubes which were sunk deep into her. She liked the intense smell of rubber. In the end the mask was secured with a massive steel ring and this was closed. One of the two women whispered into her ear. "Somehow it's a pity about your beautiful face, but it will help you to become docile. And do not try to escape. Both your chastity belt and the choker can be traced all over the world."

Selene was placed before a mirror for a moment. The mask took much of her individuality, but it brought out her eyes and mouth more clearly. She liked her rubber wrapping. Very comfortable on the skin. Very soft and cuddly, but also a means to make her compliant. She still looked pretty. But no longer like a mistress, but more like a slave. She could read a number on the choker 5381. She was no longer a person, but only a number. But it didn't bother her.

A latex blindfold followed. Very restrictive, but Selene could still orientate herself very well with her hearing. Like a bat or a whale she could orientate herself with sound reflections, but only had to emit sounds herself in absolute silence. The high heeled boots of her and her mistresses were just perfect for orientation with their clicking noises. Something in her thought it was a game, better a foreplay and she became more aroused. She willingly took the offered ball gag and let it close in her neck. She liked gags, but used to wear them only on special occasions like jumping out of airplanes. She liked the taste of rubber.

A strong blow with the whip on the bottom forced her to go in the desired direction. Further blows followed and directed her. The brothel directors were not squeamish about the whip, but Selene liked it. It suited the game and her pain threshold was much higher than with humans. Finally she was led into a cell and her collar was secured with a chain. The chain in her neck was three meters (10 feet) long and was attached to the back wall.

The two women loosened her blindfold, gag and handcuffs. The anklet remained. Selene's cell was mainly equipped with a large bed. Rubber sheets. The floor and ceilings were also covered and padded with black latex. The door was too far away for her short chain. And the bars were the only thing made of steel besides her shackles. The rest was covered with black rubber. Just the right environment for sex and to have a permanent rubber smell in her nose. But she could also smell and hear the lust of the customers and the women in the neighboring cells. She was only one of many female slaves.

"We bring you your clients 5381. Try to be profitable. And don't dawdle, your customers won't wait for you all night. If you need a pee break, you have to beg for it. Other breaks are not allowed. If you are not profitable or we don't like your attitude, you will be punished," said the supervisor.

"Thank you. Be so kind as to bring me something to write with," asked Selene without explaining what she intended to do with it. Selene looked at the women to see that they would obey, but also that both were looking forward to breaking Selene and turning her into a real sex slave. Being gentle with her, as Richard had ordered, they would not last long. Selene had never been a slave before, but she had exchanged sex for money often. She had bound every one of her slaves to herself that way. She just couldn't control who she had to seduce anymore.

* * *

Selene spent all night up at the brothel. She managed to find enough volunteers to pay her for drinking their sperm and then could not resist when she drank blood altyazı porno from them as well. Every single one of them was afterwards willing to leave her all the money he had and either give her his salary in the future or work as her slave. She could still subdue the dominant role and enslave men if she wanted to.

She had the men all draw up a handwritten contract for security, in which they listed all their possessions individually and transferred them to her. The clients were really quite wealthy. Almost all of them were high-income singles from the financial district. Each ejaculation brought in more than a million dollars. Too poor for a husband but quite profitable for slaves.

Satisfying a man with only her mouth was new to Selene, but she was a natural. Now that she was closed, she not only kissed the penis before inserting it, but she licked and sucked on it. And she enjoyed it. She suddenly found it horny to subordinate herself and was also so sharp several times that she almost came. But not as strong as with the orgasms down in the lab, which Richard only called pleasure. She was proud of herself that she managed so effortlessly to satisfy a man only with her mouth.

But she did not remain the submissive slave during sex for long. No man stayed on his feet for more than a minute when she kneeled down in front of him and spoiled his best part. So her suitors usually lay down on their backs after a short time and instead of kneeling in front of them, Selene then kneeled over her victim. Selene tried different techniques to spoil her suitors with her mouth only.

With some suitors she used a combination of kissing and licking, with others she took the penis completely inside herself and stimulated it with her tongue and the pressure changes through her breathing. But Selene found the sperm disgusting. It took her a lot of effort to swallow it anyway. If Richard hadn't told her that she had to drink it to give her body more nutrients, she would have spit it out. At least she could flush it down with blood afterwards and get rid of the taste. At least until a short time later when she spoiled the next suitor.

She noticed, however, that her body did not channel the sperm into her stomach like the blood she drank afterwards, but it was channeled elsewhere. She tried to grasp where it was, but it still seemed to dissolve into nothing in her mouth and simply turn into lust. Richard was right and it was absorbed by her blood. Sounded disgusting, the thought of sperm floating around in her blood, but it was something she couldn't control.

After a while she found out that although every man's sperm was disgusting, there were gradual differences. If they were attractive, it tasted better. At least less disgusting. She wondered if Richard's sperm tasted good. After all, he was more attractive than any other man and she was now his property by choice. She planned to seduce him at the first opportunity and taste his sperm. Richard was about to turn her into a docile slave and she let it happen willingly. If he demanded that she work permanently for him in his brothel, she would not know if she could refuse. Or wanted to.

From the fifth suitor on, the gag reflex decreased and she managed to swallow the sperm so that she did not want to throw up. She didn't know if she could vomit liquids through her teeth once she swallowed them. Never been necessary before. And it wasn't in her stomach, it just dissolved in her blood. It was still disgusting, but she managed to swallow it so that it looked like she liked it and she got horny. She hoped that if she acted as if she liked it, she would eventually not notice the difference and really like to drink sperm. Like a good sex slave she smiled all the time and looked as if she felt lust. At least the clients liked it and were more docile afterwards.

* * *

After each customer, one of the service staff came by and cleaned Selene so she was ready for the next customer. Of course, they also took away all the gifts that her clients had given her. But thanks to her rubber clothing and her non-staining blowing technique, the cleaning was usually fast. Having to look at the wall after the cleaning and to cross her hands behind her head was humiliating, but only in this way her butt was freely accessible and the whip could be used prophylactically. One blow for every minute she needed with the suitor to bring her up to higher speed.

After the third suitor Selene had to go to the toilet. Her corset was tight and because her kidneys had filtered all the excess water out of the blood, more urine accumulated than there was room for in her compressed bladder. To be escorted to the toilet, she had to kiss and lick on all fours and the warden's boots. Probably a standard procedure to deprive new slaves of their humanity.

Afterwards gag and blindfold came back and she had to walk on all fours to the loo on a leash. amatör porno One supervisor pulled and one pampered her bottom with loud whip lashes. The loo was more like a shower, where she was chained and only then the crotch zipper was opened. Peeing through a strainer took getting used to. Also getting the order to pee was new. And two armed guards watching too. But she had no choice.

Selene had to let the urine run down her legs and was then cleaned with ice cold water. She felt clean afterwards, but she became more and more aware of what it meant to be a slave. Just asking to be chained and led to the toilet was humiliating. But that she couldn't open the zipper in the toilet because she was tied up and blind there was just mean. But somehow she liked being completely helpless. The cleaning with ice-cold water and the shackles helped her to stay in her role as a lawless slave. At least she was dried afterwards.

At some point no new suitor came. It had become late and all men were asleep. Selene was led back into the cellar, tied up and packed just as she was taken upstairs. Only there they took off her mask and the cuffs and removed the collar. She immediately felt freer and more alive again, but also naked. The mask was already very pleasant. Even to the necklace she had got used to.

"You can keep the love letters from your admirers. Ninety percent of the money goes to the brothel for room rent and service."

They gave Selene the documents and a few large wads of money. If Selene had been upstairs for the money, she would complain about the deductions. But she had made a lot of money anyway, and the documents were worth a lot more than the bundles of money.

"Thank you. Do all women here really live in chains all the time?"

"It's not all that bad. Newcomers like you get locked and chained. But as soon as your will is broken, the shackles come off and while you work, you get unlocked too. We're just supposed to save our lust for work. I think you are on a good path, one can feel that you are here voluntarily to be broken. But try not to force it. Just let yourself go and just enjoy it. Then you'll realize in no time you're a submissive docile slave, just as Richard is trying to mold you. I'll let Richard know that you've been obedient and I'll suggest to him that from tomorrow on we don't have to be gentle anymore, but that we may chastise you," the warden threatened.

Selene hadn't hurt the whip, but the guards had already cracked it hard for humans. A few hundred lashes had accumulated during the shift and she wondered how she would soon be chastised. "Thanks for the warning, I'm looking forward to tomorrow," Selene said as the door to Richard's lab locked and she was locked back down here. The lab smelled of him, which made her smile immediately. Up until now, she liked playing the slave.

* * *

Richard lay asleep on a bed in an adjacent room. He had washed and put on fresh latex clothes, but still smelled irresistible to her. And it wasn't just because he was wearing latex. He wore a chain with a key around his neck. She considered unlocking it to satisfy herself, but then rejected the idea. It was his property and only he had the right to open it. Perhaps her chastity was necessary to treat her after all. Besides, he was better at spoiling her than her own hand.

On the free space next to him she saw a metal choker attached to a chain on the bed. He probably wanted her to chain herself. She would still have enough freedom of movement to kiss any part of his body, but would otherwise be trapped. But first she wanted to show him that she was a productive slave.

Selene put twelve documents on his bedside table, which Selene signed over all the property and income of her suitors. On top of them, she put all the remaining bundles of money she had earned and formed them into a heart. On top of it she put a short note.

"I hope this is enough for you as a deposit for today. I have tried to drink sperm, but it is still disgusting. But I only drank about sixty milliliters. Maybe I'll learn to like it when I have a hundred liters. Please use me however you want, but please unlock me. I need real sex. With you, my master. Your most subservient slave."

Selene took a quick shower with a chastity belt, then put on a fresh catsuit her size. She also put on a fresh corset. The selection of corsets that were down here in the closets confirmed that he liked corsets. She put on one that was especially tight and left only little room for breathing.

She also found cuffs for her arms and legs and put on both. She found a real slave should always wear shackles. He must have liked her better and he had her there for a reason. Maybe it was a test to see if she was willing to give herself to him. Selene looked for the mask with integrated gag that he had liked so much. Maybe this time he would get inside her when she turned into a amatör porno rubber doll. The mask had only the nasal tubes as its only opening and was otherwise made of tight thick black rubber. Robbed her sight. But fortunately she could orientate herself quite well even when blind.

This time Selene had taken the more sophisticated version that would control her breathing. It would leave her even more at his mercy and that's what he wanted after all. Finally she found it among his toys. Out of her nose came two thin tubes, which were joined at the back of her head and ended in a bag, which in turn had an opening to the outside for fresh air.

The bag had a volume of one liter, so the first liter she would inhale would be her own used air. Only if she inhaled deeper would she get fresh air at all. She tried to sneak into bed quietly despite her meanwhile loud breathing, after all she didn't want to wake Richard, she just wanted to be with him.

To show him that she was completely subservient to him, she connected her feet with a short chain and then she also connected her hands with a short chain. She had previously placed the keys to the corresponding locks next to his bed, so that she could no longer release her shackles herself and surrender to him completely.

The keys were perfect for weighing down all the banknotes she had received while searching for food. It was not difficult for her to leave him the money, as she possessed millions of times more, but the message was all the clearer. She belonged to him with skin and hair.

She lay down next to him in bed, gave him a gentle kiss on the mouth and only then put on the mask, which made her blind and mute. Then she put on the necklace and closed it with a click. She was his slave again and snuggled up to the sleeping Richard. He seemed to have little love for her face and was more into a complete enclosure. And she liked to wear latex, even if she preferred to wear her face and her black hair open. He wanted a rubber slave, so she became his.

* * *

Richard had almost driven her out of her mind again during the day with a strapped-on vibrator, but he didn't grant her any orgasms. Except for short strokes he showed no interest in her. She was just tied up all day long and writhing with lust, but couldn't come. Only in the evening she was locked up again and picked up by the guards to work in the brothel upstairs.

But today Selene got a tightened version of her slave clothes. In addition to a choker she got a cuff on her wrists and ankles, which were provided with rings, so that she could be tied up more easily. And this time in her cell she was not only chained to the collar but also got a chain between her feet and one between her hands. Both were only half a meter (1 feet 8 inch) long and made of rather thick chain links. The material was one centimeter (0.4 inch)thick and made of high-quality steel. Not even for her to tear.

In the beginning everything else was like on her first evening, but customer number four was different. It was a woman. A maid of hers, to be precise, who was obviously worried about Selene's disappearance. "Are you all right, Mistress? We're worried about you. I've brought some tools and I can undo you," the woman offered.

"I'm fine. And leave my necklace where it is. Richard and I are trying to do some role-playing as foreplay. So it's all right, and no one has to rescue me. But since you're here, the women here could use a little help. A few more wardens and a few more slaves would be good too. I want you to let the others know to apply here as slaves."

Selene's maid swallowed. Serving Selene was one thing, but working in a brothel was quite another. "Please, Mistress," she couldn't get any further with Selene, because Selene was able to make her maid orgasm with her tongue.

Selene called for the warden, "We're done here."

When the warden arrived, she helped the maid up, whose lusty grin was also visible under the mask. "I must apologize. My slave tried to free me. To prevent this from happening again, she agreed that she and the rest of my slaves should work here as well. They should wear chastity belts and if possible help running the brothel. If necessary, they can also work here as normal personnel. They are very docile and a few days of training should be enough to make them fit in."

* * *

Selene had just finished the first half of her shift with client number eight when two supervisors came to her. "Richard has informed us that you should learn to drink and love sperm We think you are ready to take the next step in your training. Are you ready 5381?" asked the warden.

"Probably not. But I am only a slave and you will leave me no choice, I suppose. What have you made up? Should I clean my colleagues' tongues?" asked Selene confidently.

"You have to earn your sperm yourself. But we could sell you a tool that would increase your efficiency," said the warden, showing Selene a rubber ring gag.

"How will this thing help me?" Selene asked.

"It's simple: You talk too much. And with the ring, you can go to the gang-bang area. All you have to do is give the brothel your entire income and it's yours," said the second warden.
05-03-2024, at 01:59 PM

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