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The Blue Pill Pt. 06

Post #1

I awoke curled up in bed with Jonathan, so pleased I had messaged work that I was taking the day off sick. We were lying in the spoons position, me with my back to him.

He had given me a beautiful, sexy night dress to wear to bed. This was hitched up to my waist since he had made love to me a couple of hours ago in the position we were in now. We were both half asleep and in that semi dream state, what a way to be woken up! He had taken me gentle and slow, lovingly, stroking my front as he slid in and out, caressing my chest and cock while kissing my neck. It was exquisite.

Now he stirred again and I could feel his cock hardening. There was no stopping this man, I'd never known anyone with such a sexual appetite. But I wasn't complaining, just wondering how much more I could take after so much last night, including Gina's large strap-on.

Jonathan's cock rubbed against me, despite my reservations I wanted him again, needed him again. He rolled me over onto my stomach and got between my legs.

"Oh, Jonathan," I murmured.

"I want you so much," he whispered in my ear.

I was wet and ready for him with no preparation necessary, he pushed home. It still made me gasp and I delighted in being filled and stretched again. He was gentle once more, moving slowly in and out and I surrendered to his power. After a few minutes he began to speed up, I knew he was getting close to coming. My own orgasm was building too, without touching my cock or pussy. I seemed to able to do this more often after the past 24 hours.

He kissed my neck and then pinned my arms out stretched, his weight bearing down on them so I couldn't move. I was his.

His breathing grew faster. "I'm coming, Simone. I'm going to fill you with my seed again."

"Oh, yes please," I purred.

He groaned then I felt him coming inside me, a feeling I had grown to love in so short a time. As he did so, my own orgasm swept over me and I cried into the sheet.

We lay in each other's arms as the sun burst into the room. I felt happier than I had for a long time.

"I don't need to work today," he said. "We'll have the day together, I'll take you out to lunch."

"That would be nice," I said.

"We both need time to recover think," he said.

"I certainly do."

"You've done so well, Simone. I'm proud of you. I think Bill and Gina were quite taken with you last night."

"They were nice, I'd like to meet them again."

"Good, I'm glad. We'll arrange it. But tonight it's just me and you. That is, of course, if you want to be with me tonight?"

I kissed him. "Of course I do. Why do you think I've taken the day off work?"

"You're growing to like this, aren't you?"

"You bet! But what am I? I still feel confused."

"You have the best of both worlds."

"I know that. But, I know we've talked about it before, am I gay?"

"That's for you to decide. But what if you are, what difference does it make? It's just a label. We have something very nice between us."

"More than nice."

"Yes, it is. Let's get some breakfast."

And so we spent our first day together, going into town, taking lunch, a walk, just normal stuff. I was as Simon of course. I did wonder though if I'd ever venture out dressed up. I did look good with a dress on, definitely passable I was sure, with a little attention to walking and talking. That was for another time, it had been a lovely day.

When we got back to his place he poured drinks and we sat out in the late afternoon on his garden patio. I felt at home. What was I thinking?

"What would you like to do tonight?" he asked.

"I don't know."

"We can just chill, if you've had enough sex for now. Maybe just make love later."

"We could."

"Or . . ."

"Or what?"

"Something else I'd like to show you. But you'd have to be ready for another session."

Something olgun porno else new. My curiosity was aroused, how could I turn it down? Everything we had done so far had been amazing. I felt ready. "OK, I am ready."

"Great. Relax and we'll have a couple more drinks first."

I was sure he was teasing me. He knew I wanted to know what was in store but he'd keep me guessing. But perhaps the anticipation was arousing in itself?

He finished his drink. "I want to dress you tonight."

What did he have in mind?

"First, I must change. Come to my bedroom in ten minutes."

His tone seemed more commanding, but it made me feel sexy. I sipped the last of my drink and tried to figure what the next stage could be. When ten minutes was up my curiosity was tearing at me and I almost rushed to his room.

I walked in as he was putting some clothes on the bed. I was slightly shocked. He was bare foot, but wore leather shorts, a leather harness across his chest, emphasizing his muscular build, and studded leather wrist bracelets.

"Come here," he said with authority.

I looked at what was on the bed. A basque again, but this time in soft black leather adorned with studs. To go with it were sheer black stockings and a pair of panties which had a zip from the back to the front of the crotch.

"Turn around," he said. He wrapped the basque around me and did up the fastenings, then he pulled the laces tight which gave me a beautiful sexy shape. Then he made me sit on the bed while he rolled the stockings up my legs and clipped them on. Then he placed some super-sexy shoes on my feet with crossed straps that went up my calves.

"Stand up."

He place a studded leather collar around my neck to which he attached a lead. Finally he strapped cuffs to my wrists and ankles, they all had 'D' rings for the attachment of straps. I was beginning to get an idea of what this session might entail.

"Done." He smiled. He held the lead in his right hand and began to walk towards the door.

I had no option but to follow. I felt vulnerable but extremely turned on. We arrived at a door a little way down the corridor from his bedroom and he stopped. He turned the door handle after unlocking it and swung the door open. My hand involuntarily went to my mouth as I surveyed the contents.

It was a play room, full of restraint equipment and God knows what else. There was a large wooden X-frame on one wall, a small bed with numerous restraints, a wall full of whips, leashes, and restraints. The ceiling had suspension hooks, there was what looked like a doctor's examination couch complete with leg and ankle stirrups, but upholstered in plush studded leather. It had various handles and winders which I knew not the purpose of. There were a couple of gymnasium type horses, again with numerous restraint points.

He tightened up on the leash until it made my head twist and he kissed me. "Are you scared?"

I didn't know what I felt, nervous, yes. "I . . .I don't think so."

"Remember, if I go too far the safe word is 'covenant'. But don't worry, I won't hurt you."

He led me to a horse, bent me over it, and then tightened the leash and tied it to a hook so I couldn't lift my head. Then he walked behind me and opened a drawer. I had no idea what he was doing until he unzipped my panties and I felt him lubing my ass up. Then something started to push into me. It stretched me wider and wider until it slipped in suddenly and was held fast. It was no doubt a large butt plug he had implanted in me.

He re-zipped my panties which ten held my burgeoning cock and the butt plug in place.

He untied the leash and made me stand up. The plug rubbed my prostate which excited me and took away my nervousness, to an extent. He walked me over to the wooden X-cross and lifted my arms up. He clipped my cuffs porno to the fittings on the beams, then he spread my legs and dis the same with my ankle cuffs.

He stepped back and admired me, pleased with what he had done, and then walked away to the examination couch.

I hung there feeling helpless but turned on with anticipation as the butt plug continued to rub my insides. Jonathan turned towards me holding some sort of small remote control device. The butt plug began to vibrate. Jonathan's eyes sparkled as I squirmed. Then it began to inflate! I moaned and gyrated against my restraints as he smiled. The butt plug reached its largest size and I relaxed to accommodate its size.

Gasping in pleasure, I couldn't remain as Simon any longer and brought Simone to mind. Breasts started to fill out the basque and, once more, my cock disappeared, leaving a smooth, hairless pussy in its place.

Jonathan noticed the change in my disposition. "Ah, Simone is back."

He continued to do something at the examination couch. He pulled a box out of a cupboard and attached it to s support on the coach. It had switches and dials, leads trailed from it with some kind of fittings at their ends. I hadn't a clue what it was, but would find out soon.

He came back to me and kissed me, I was breathing heavily from the excitement, both because of the butt plug inside me and of what was to come. His fingers ran down my cheek. I could tell he meant me no harm, only pleasure. I could see it in his eyes, he loved me! It was the first time I knew it for certain. Perhaps it was all there before the pill, he had wanted me for a long time and had sought a way to get this hold on me, one I had now given freely.

Jonathan untied me and led me to the examination couch. "Lie down."

I obeyed and he started to strap me down. First he placed my legs and ankles in the stirrups, holding them in place with two leather straps each. Then a strap went across my stomach and was tightened down. My arms were stretched out above my head and secured.

He turned a handle and my head began to drop back as the top of the couch angled downwards. Then it stopped. He removed his shorts to reveal a huge erection and place it at my mouth. Now I understood, he had place me in a position to deep throat him, he was going to fuck my throat.

Slowly he pushed into my mouth and I relaxed to accommodate him. I was happy giving myself for his use. I gagged a little as he pushed into my throat but the sensation soon passed and he went further. My saliva was flowing now, giving the lubrication needed for him to slip in and out. He started to fuck my mouth gently, moaning in pleasure. I moaned too, which he loved as it caused a slight vibration on his cock. I wanted to please him so much.

"I'm going to come, Simone, you will swallow every drop."

I had no choice, I was unable to move; he had full control of me.

He placed his hands either side of my head. "Here it comes, baby."

His cock twitched and he pushed it all the way to the back of my throat. Then it erupted, shooting his hot salty cum down my throat. I swallowed hard, difficult in the position I was in, but I didn't want to waste a drop. He let out a great moan and rubbed my breasts lovingly. He withdrew from my mouth and I took a great gulp of air, his taste was in my mouth and I loved it. He bent down and kissed me, I think he liked the taste of himself too.

"God, Simone, you're so good at that. Now for you."

He wound my head back up until I could see my body and legs again. I was still tightly bound. He toyed with some switches then turned his attention to the couch. He pulled out a handle and began to turn it. The couch was in two sections down the middle to my hips and they started to move apart into a 'Y' shape, stretching my legs apart until they were spread wide and my ass-pussy was fully Porno izle exposed and accessible. I was yearning for sexual release, this was so damned horny, and he could do anything he wanted to me.

He unzipped the panties I wore, opening them up from the back to the front. He took the control for the butt plug and pressed a switch which caused it to deflate. When it was down to its normal size he pulled it out slowly, I gasped as the bulbous head stretched my sphincter, then breathed a sigh of relief as it popped out.

Next he picked up the items on the ends of some leads and attached them to me. I caught a brief glimpse as Simon of some sort of band going around my balls and then a small metal cage which fitted the head of my cock.

"You had a little of this with Gina last night. Electro stimulation. Her device was basic, designed as it was for a strap-on dildo. This equipment is more sophisticated and can bring you to orgasm on its own"

I saw a light illuminate on the machine, and he turned a dial. Muscles began to move under the stimulus of the current, gentle contractions which made it feel like I was being fucked. I moaned in pleasure. He played with me, changing the program of the pulses and the intensity. I would have been thrashing around but was immobile, at his mercy. Each time he raised the intensity I thought I could take no more, but each time I became accustomed to it. I almost said the word a couple of times, but I wanted to see how far I could go, the feelings were so intense.

Then I started to come, like nothing ever before. The current was surging through my cock, pussy and ass, a deep stimulation, not the surface stimulation of normal sex. The orgasm hit like a freight train and went on and on, lights flashed in front of my eyes, and I cried out, so much louder than any other time with Jonathan. He wound the power down slightly as I continued to shake in the throes of orgasm.

As I came down I saw he had a raging erection again and I knew what would come next. He moved between my legs and penetrated me. The electro stimulation continued and he played with it as he fucked me. It produced the same rising feelings again and another orgasm built up as Jonathan pounded into me. He placed his fingers in my mouth and I sucked them.

He changed the program again, to one I hadn't felt so far, and I knew I couldn't last much longer. He couldn't either and fucked me harder.

"Come for me baby," he said. "I want to feel you coming with my cock in you, then I'm going to come deep inside you again."

His words tipped me over the edge and the combination of the current and his fucking brought an orgasm even stronger than the last. I screamed out his name and he began to gush inside me, holding my hips tightly with his strong hands. The look on his face was pure delight to me, he was taking such pleasure in my body and in the pleasure I was getting. His hot cum flooded my insides. I almost yelled it, "Jonathan, I love you!" and then I literally passed out for a couple of minutes.

When I came to he had already untied me, carried me to the bed, and was holding me, my head to his chest, rocking me gently. I put my hand to his neck and weakly, still shaking, I lifted my head to kiss him. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too, Simon and Simone."

"You do, don't you. I know you do, I saw it in your eyes for the first time today."

"Lie down," he said softly.

We slept for an hour, during which time I had wonderful dreams.

He was smiling at me when I came to.

"Simone, Simon. Would you like to move in with me?"

I was startled at is suggestion, we had only been together three days, though we had known each other for years. I couldn't help myself. If this was my love life now, I wanted nothing else.

"Yes! I'd love to."


Author's note: I hope you have enjoyed this series of stories. This is probably the last installment of this one but I will write more stories. This story has gone further than I thought and I have decided to expand it into a full novel or novella, I have written four novels so far and this will be my first erotica.
05-03-2024, at 01:57 PM

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