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True Story-hotel fun.
Post #1
True Story-hotel fun.True story happened last week, Dawn and I had been to work all week when I got an email saying Premier inn had a deal on for last minute cancellations. I click on and it said Hi Dave seen as you are a usual customer of ours we have a room here in the capital for a rate you can't refuse, they offered me a deal of a 2 night stay for £40, how could I refuse, I booked it. I rang Dawn and told her about the offer and she said great fun time!!we got down to London and booked into our hotel, Dawn went straight to the room whilst I got some refreshments and food, when I got to the room Dawn had unpacked our bag and told me what she had planned for the night, she told me she had this idea in her head for ages and tonight could be the night? tell me then. Dawn told me to tie her up and go to a pub where they hang out! she means Big Black Cocks, and get as many as you think is good for me and give them our key and let them have their fun.Dawn had been in the shower and got all fresh for tonight she was ready she said, it was now down to me to choose the men, I went to a pub I know well ordered a drink and sat and watched them! I seen a couple who I thought would be right but I had be carful just in case. I plucked up some courage and I approached 1 fellow, hello my friend can I ask you a question and hope you don't get offended, yes of course you can ask away he said, well. my wife Dawn is a big girl big tits and a big ass she and I like to share, he asked share what? I told him her. he looked at me puzzled, I like we like other men mainly black men to fuck her whilst I watch, he looked at me like I was mad.he asked me sit down and go through what I wanted, we sat down and I told him Dawn was in the hotel waiting for as many men black men I could pick up and she will take them all night, fuck me he said really, yes. if you have a few mates who would like to do this but they have to be clean safe and mainly hung! give me 5 minutes and I will be back. I waited for him finishing my pint, he walked over to me with his 5 mates and said is this Ok? that's great. I asked him his name and he said it was Gary, well then Gary here is the key to my room its room 113 and Dawn is in the bedroom on the bed naked waiting for you, please and I mean please be gentle she is not to be abused, this is my number when you get there ring me and tell me you are there I will give you time to do what you do and I will come and watch the finish and then I will have my fun Ok, fuck yes mate, quality he said, his mates were rubbing their hands together with glee.in the hotel I had set our cameras up to film the whole thing for our enjoyment later. I ordered another pint and I waited. I got the call he was there so I gave it an hour and I walked back to our room, when I walked in it was carnage black men everywhere naked with big black cocks swinging about it looked immense, Dawn was dripping with sweat her body was red from the slapping and heat, I walked over to Gary and said wow, it looks like its going well, mate he said your wife is unreal she gives everything and takes everything, I know she is awesome. he joked can yous come here every week, if she wants more yes, lol. I stood back and just watched them go to work on her, they were gentle with her but they threw her about like a rag doll in every position going, I looked at her hole and it was stretched to fuck.it must have been hours and the lads had all had a go and cum and cum again Dawn did look fucked, I said that's it boys its a rap, she's had enough. Ok mate. they all got dressed and when walking out shook my hand and said that was the best nigh they had ever had please do come again, maybe. when they all went Dawn laid there full of cum and stretched, I finally undressed and I went down on her licking her sweet pussy and tits and getting hard at the thought and sight of all that black cock in her, I finally fucked her once I had cleaned her up I was the last one to fill her up as I always do, with this I know she is mine and I am hers and we share the thing we love sex. the next morning I pulled out the cameras I had set up and we watched it back Dawn was so horny she said ring them again for tonight lets do it again.
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