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Modified Ch. 04

Post #1

Penny awakens, finding she again is tied to her bed and Jasmine is sitting next to her. In one of Jasmine's hands is a tape measure; in her other hand is Penny's hard cock, which she is slowly stroking. Memories of yesterday flood her thoughts; the teasing first thing in the morning by Jasmine; licking Jasmine's pussy; cumming down April's throat in the shower. Then there was the closeness she felt to Jasmine, her mistress, as they spent the day together shopping. Unlike the prior shopping trip with Stacy, Jasmine didn't try to embarrass her or put her in awkward situations. Still, there was no doubt about who was in charge while they were together, and Jasmine found several opportunities while in the car to tease Penny up to the edge before backing off, leaving Penny frustrated. Finally, there was the memory of fucking April from behind while Jasmine directed her. These events had the effect of strengthening Jasmine's authority over Penny as well as bringing Penny closer to accepting Jasmine as her mistress without question. Even as these thoughts take hold, a part of Penny still wonders how she got into this predicament and how she can get her old life of partying with frat boys back.

The fingers wrapped around her cock squeeze firmly, bringing her focus back to her sexual need and quickly bring her to the edge. Penny moans and involuntarily pushes her hips up in the hope of getting more friction on her member.

"Aww, toy looks so sexy when she does that," Jasmine coos. "But I'm afraid we don't have much time for playing this morning. It's the first day of classes and we can't have you showing up late. But first we need to take your measurements." Jasmine extends the tape measure along Penny's cock, looking closely at the numbers. "Hmm, I'd say it's 8 and one half inches." She then wraps the tape around the base. "Ok, 7 and one quarter inches. Wow, at this rate who knows how big it will get! This is so exciting!"

Jasmine sets the tape measure on the nightstand and pulls her nightgown over her head. She then maneuvers her body until she is kneeling above Penny's head and facing down Penny's body.

"Well, where is my greeting this morning, toy?"

Penny breathes in the scent of Jasmine's pussy, sending a jolt of excitement through her body. "Good morning mistress," she croaks. "May this slut lick your pussy?"

"Very good, toy! You are learning. Yes, slut may lick me," Jasmine says with a smile. She lowers herself onto Penny's waiting lips and tongue. Penny quickly thrusts her tongue inside Jasmine, savoring the flavor. She proceeds to bathe her mistress's pussy with her tongue, eventually reaching Jasmine's clit, which she gently sucks into her mouth.

"Mmm, yes, toy is getting better," Jasmine coos. Jasmine begins to stroke Penny's hard rod, slowly at first, but as Jasmine's orgasm approaches she speeds up. Once again, Penny is on the edge and doubles her effort to get her mistress off. Penny moans loudly into Jasmine's pussy, but doesn't slow her tongue. She knows she isn't allowed to cum, so doesn't bother to beg, instead using every ounce of her willpower to hold off her orgasm while focusing on her mistress.

Finally, Jasmine cries out and cums hard, grinding herself on Penny's face and coating it with juices. Penny continues to lick as much as she can, her discomfort from Jasmine grinding on her face briefly taking her mind off her own desire.

Jasmine eventually recovers and lifts herself up, her pussy now hovering inches above Penny's face. Jasmine begins to stroke Penny's cock more firmly, the sticky pre-cum coating its length. Wet sloppy sounds fill the room as Jasmine's fingers slide up and down Penny's shaft.

"Please mistress, may this slut cum?" Penny pleads.

"Beg me, toy."

"Oh god, please mistress. slut can't hold it, please let slut cum!"

Jasmine smiles and pauses, enjoying the power she has over Penny. She grabs a towel from the nightstand, ready to catch Penny's spunk. "Poor slut toy. Yes, toy may cum." Jasmine's fingers tighten around the head of Penny's cock, massaging just the tip.

Within seconds Penny's cock is spraying jets of cum. "Ohhh godddd, thank you mistress!" Penny shouts out, bucking her hips. Cum continues to blast out of her cock, which Jasmine catches in the towel. Soon the towel is soaked and cum seeps through the towel onto Penny's tits and stomach. Cum continues to jet out of Penny's cock, Penny writhing on the bed as her eyes roll back in her head. Jasmine continues to stroke her member firmly, adding to Penny's pleasure.

Finally spent, Penny slumps back down, panting. Eventually she manages to speak. "Thank you, mistress." Penny rolls her head to the side and kisses the inside of Jasmine's thigh.

"You did very well, toy," Jasmine responds. While Penny watches, Jasmine proceeds to take two small vials from the nightstand and fill them with Penny's spunk.

"May your toy know what you plan to do with that, mistress?" Penny asks.

"Aww, Kartal Yabancı Escort don't worry your pretty head about it, toy. Just stick with me and do as you are told. Oh, and keep your mouth shut, or you will regret it."

Penny cringes at the harsh tone of voice from Jasmine, managing a weak response, "Yes, mistress."


After their showers, Jasmine selects some clothes from the prior days' shopping trip, hands them to Penny and tells her to get dressed. After inspecting her, Jasmine leads Penny down to the kitchen. Since it's the first day of classes, the kitchen is crowded with girls bustling to get their breakfasts. When they see Jasmine leading Penny into the room, a few extra giggles add to the general noise.

"Good morning everyone," chimes Jasmine. "Who needs orange juice?" she asks as she opens the refrigerator. A couple girls respond that they do, including Selena.

"Excellent! Coming right up!" As Jasmine pours out the orange juice, she secretly slips the contents of one of the vials into one of the glasses. She stashes the second vial in the back of the refrigerator. Turning around, she passes out the glasses, giving Selena the special glass. She then glares at Penny, who was watching Jasmine's actions, a clear sign for Penny to keep quiet.

The bustle in the kitchen continues. Jasmine begins giving orders to Penny, having her fix both of their breakfasts. Finally ready, Penny serves Jasmine and then sits in the chair next to Selena, with Jasmine sitting at the end of the table nearest Penny.

"Hey, not so close, freak!" Selena menacingly scolds Penny.

"Sorry," Penny responds and shifts her chair at the crowded table a few inches towards Jasmine. They continue to eat their breakfast while Jasmine keeps a close eye on Selena, watching for any sign of a reaction. Selena finishes her juice, and Jasmine detects a subtle uneasiness in Selena as she shifts in her chair several times. A few minutes later, nearly finished, Penny and Selena bump elbows.

"Hey! Keep away from me!" Selena blurts out.

"Selena, what's the matter?" Jasmine asks.

"Just keep that thing of yours away from me," Selena retorts.

"Oh, come on. We are all sisters here, we can't have this anger toward each other. Besides, I think you'll learn to appreciate having Penny around, she's very useful. Let me give you a demonstration. You look a little tense, Selena. Penny, why don't you massage Selena's shoulders. You'd like that, wouldn't you Selena?" Jasmine asks.

Penny slowly rises and moves behind Selena. Meanwhile, Stacy is looking on, and Selena realizes it wouldn't be smart to make a big scene in front of the sorority president, even if Stacy did see Selena as her second in command, as it were.

"Fine, whatever. She can rub my shoulders. But that's all!"

Penny puts her soft hands onto Selena's bare shoulders, Selena's spaghetti strap top giving Penny easy access. The soft touch surprises Selena and she stifles a small moan. Penny begins to rub softly, working up to firmer massage. Resigned to allowing Penny to touch her, Selena sits back and relaxes somewhat. The massage does feel good. She is surprised by an unexpected tingling feeling centered between her legs, and she squirms in her seat again. Penny continues rubbing, her eyes not on Selena but on Jasmine. Jasmine studies Selena carefully. When Penny's fingers slide gently down Selena's upper arms, Jasmine sees a shudder go through Selena. Jasmine directs Penny with her eyes, the unspoken command to continue softly touching Selena's upper arms.

Selena closes her eyes, her body heating up. The sounds of the kitchen fade away as the feelings coursing through her body begin to take over. She tries to push them down, but as Penny's fingers caress her neck a moan escapes her lips. Directed by Jasmine, Penny focuses her touches on Selena's neck, using her fingernails to gently scratch. Selena squirms again. Penny sees a flush begin on Selena's skin. Knowing what Jasmine is expecting, Penny's fingernails move forward and down, gliding over Selena's collarbones and moving a few inches lower down Selena's chest. It's clear from both Penny and Jasmine that Selena is turned on. Selena's nipples are clearly visible through her top and her breathing is more ragged. No one else in the kitchen is paying attention anymore, each of them busy with getting ready for class.

Suddenly, a loud crash is heard when one of the sisters drops her bowl into the sink. Startled, Selena looks up and after a few seconds registers the time showing on the wall clock.

"Shit! I'm late!" Selena exclaims. She jumps out of her seat and quickly puts her dish in the dishwasher, then grabs her backpack and heads to the door. As she moves past Penny, Penny is certain she can smell the scent of Selena's arousal. As Selena rushes out the door she tries to push her arousal to the back of her mind, but the exquisite feelings from Penny's touch would Kartal Yeni Escort not easily fade from memory. Her wet pussy is begging for attention, and these desires are linked in her mind to the touch of Penny's fingers.

"Well done, toy," Jasmine tells Penny once Selena is gone.


Penny walks into her first class, having walked with Jasmine most of the way there. But Jasmine's first class was at the other end of the campus, so they made plans to meet for lunch. It felt strange to Penny to be on her own after the last couple days where all her actions were controlled by either Stacy or Jasmine. She finds a seat towards the back of the room, avoiding eye contact with the other students. Unable to focus her attention on the lecture, her thoughts again go back to her current predicament. Knowing that she has 90 minutes between this class and her next one, she begins to contemplate visiting the school nurse's office. Maybe they could offer a way out of this predicament. But exposing herself to a stranger was also terrifying. They wouldn't understand, maybe even laugh at her.

For the rest of the class she debates with herself. Finally, when class is dismissed she gets up the courage to go ahead with it. Leaving class, she quickly makes her way towards the nurse's office. On her way out she notices a man outside the building. The man is about six feet one inch tall, athletic, with sharp features, dark hair and a stubble of whiskers on his face. She wouldn't have noticed him, but something about him seemed out of place. He looked too old to be a student, and she didn't take him for being a professor. Their eyes meet for a split second before he looks away. A jolt of fear hits her, feeling that this man is watching her. She hurries on her way.

Arriving at the nurse's office, she enters and nervously approaches the receptionist.

"Hi, umm, I need to see a doctor," Penny stammers.

"Okie dokie!" replies the way too cheerful receptionist. "What is this in regard to?"

"I, umm, have some female issues..."

"I see! What sort of issues might those be?" the receptionist replies, seeming to enjoy this a little too much.

"I, umm, it's sort of a growth... I'd rather talk with the doctor if that's ok."

"Very well, then. You'll need to fill out these forms, and then we'll see about getting you in."

Penny drops into one of the chairs in the waiting room and completes the paperwork.

Meanwhile, the sharp featured man had followed Penny to the nurse's office, and is now on his cell phone.

"Yes?" Doctor Krutov answers abruptly.

"Doctor, this is Victor. I thought you'd like to know that Penny just entered the nurse's office on campus."

A pause, then, "Very well." Doctor Krutov hung up the phone, then dials another number.

"Yes, this is Doctor Krutov. You have a patient that just came in, a Penelope Martin." Pause. "Yes, that's her. I will tend to her. Keep her waiting until I arrive." Doctor Krutov hangs up, grabs her bag and heads out of her office.

Thirty minutes later, the receptionist finally calls Penny's name. A few moments later she finds herself sitting and waiting in the antiseptic examination room, wearing only a flimsy hospital gown. Finally, a woman walks in carrying a satchel. She is middle aged, trim figure, some would say attractive, but with an unapproachable expression on her face.

"Hello, I am Doctor Krutov. Put your legs in the stirrups."

Penny hesitates, already feeling put off by the woman's attitude.

"Hurry up, we don't have all day," the doctor commands.

Penny complies nervously. "I, umm, I was hoping you could help me, I have a... umm..."

"Hands over your head, Miss Martin," the doctor orders Penny, ignoring Penny's comment.

Penny lifts her hands up and begins to ask why. Before Penny gets the words out of her mouth, Doctor Krutov grabs Penny's wrists and snaps handcuffs around them and attaches the cuffs to the top of the table.

"Hey!!" Penny exclaims as she jerks at her wrists. The doctor ignores her, quickly moving to one of the stirrups and fastens a long zip tie around one ankle, securing it in place. Penny looks on in shock, squirming to get free. The doctor moves to the other side and easily holds Penny's other leg in place while fastening another zip tie around her other ankle. Within 10 seconds Penny finds herself completely immobilized with her legs spread, barely covered by the hospital gown.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Penny cries, squirming to get her legs out of the stirrups.

"Shut up and listen or I will have to gag you as well."

Penny looks on in shock. "Who are you?" she manages to ask.

The doctor retrieves a syringe from her bag and without ceremony jabs it into Penny's arm, injecting the concoction into her.

"Ouch!! Please stop! What was that for?" Penny cries.

Without acknowledging Penny's pleas, the doctor puts on a pair Kartal Masaj Salonu of latex gloves and moves between Penny's legs, lifting up the gown and exposing Penny's dormant cock. Penny barely has time to realize that she is now exposed to the doctor. Strangely, the doctor doesn't seem at all shocked. In fact, the doctor seems excited. "Who is this person?" Penny fearfully wonders.

"Coming along nicely, I see." The doctor closely examines Penny, tugging at her cock, pulling it to one side and then the other. Next she spreads Penny's pussy open. She continues her examination, sliding a finger inside Penny, pulling it out, then sliding two fingers in. "Good, very good. Already beginning to lubricate."

"Please stop. You can't do this..." Penny pleads again. But even as she says this she can feel her pussy heat up. She had practically forgotten she even had a pussy, being so overwhelmed with the attention her cock was getting the last few days. But now her desires quickly spring to life.

The doctor continues to slide her fingers in and out for several minutes, noting how wet Penny's pussy is becoming in just a short time. Penny moans and begs again for the doctor to let her go. Still ignoring Penny's pleas, the doctor gives a satisfied grunt and removes her fingers. Reaching into her bag, hidden from Penny's view, the doctor pulls out a dildo. Not just any dildo, but a massive black dildo twelve inches in length and as big around as a can of soda. She presses the tip of it to Penny's opening, coating it with her juices.

"Please..." Penny moans. But her desires are ramping quickly and she involuntarily bucks her hips. The doctor continues to work the dildo against Penny's pussy. After a few minutes the head of it slips inside Penny. Penny moans again, feeling uncomfortably stretched. "It's too big! Please, take it out!" But her pussy is getting even wetter. Her cock has now reached full hardness as well, without any further contact from the doctor.

Doctor Krutov pushes the dildo in farther, stretching Penny beyond anything she has felt before. Penny feels the huge cock filling her up, unable to comprehend the feelings washing over her body. The extreme fullness is taking her to a level of arousal she has never felt before. The doctor continues to work the dildo farther into Penny, now over six inches of it inside her. She slides it in and out slowly, going deeper with each thrust. Penny's body betrays her and she begins to hump against the dildo, accepting it, coaxing it even deeper inside of her. The doctor begins to talk to Penny.

"I'm sure you are looking for some sort of explanation. Well, you see, you are my creation. I have designed your body to be the perfect sex machine. I performed a surgery on you to give you your cock. During the surgery and recovery you were sedated to block your memory of the event. But that's not all. Though a combination of surgical adjustments to reroute blood vessels and expose nerve endings, your pussy is also increased in sensitivity well beyond the normal range. And your cock and pussy together! Well, you'll just have to experience it!" the doctor says with glee.

Penny's cravings are at their peak, her pussy clenching around the massive dildo as it fills her up. She can hear the doctor speaking, but can barely make out the words through the haze of her sexual state. The doctor continues speaking.

"I just gave you a booster injection to continue your development. It was convenient of you to visit the nurse here on campus; you saved me the trouble of arranging alternate plans to continue your treatment as well as examine your progress. This is a drug of my own design, which is pretty genius if I do say so myself. I've been working on it for 6 years. Then several months ago we stole some DNA samples of you, and refined the drug to be a perfect match to you. The drug will cause your cock to continue to grow, and your sexual desires will become permanent. You will become the perfect lesbian lover, with a huge, beautiful cock and a tremendous sex drive. You will be able to fuck your lover senseless while experiencing the greatest pleasures anyone has ever felt. And I did all of this to you, something that no one has ever been able to do before!" the doctor says in triumph. Penny is trying to make sense of these words, but her mind is in a haze of lust as the dildo stretches her pussy and touches placed that have never been touched before.

The doctor thrusts the dildo faster and deeper, caught up in her own self absorbed excitement. Penny cries out. Her pussy is dripping down her ass and onto the table, and now her cock begins to drip onto her stomach, though still not being touched by the doctor. Somewhere in her mind she hears the doctor's words 'lesbian lover'. "No, that's not what I am!" she wants to shout out. But the pleasure racing through her body is too much. She pushes herself against the dildo to drive it even deeper. Penny screams out as her orgasm hits her. Her pussy contracts around the dildo almost painfully. She cries out again, overcome with the pleasure from her pussy, her orgasm stronger than she's ever felt before. Her pussy continues to spasm as she rocks her hips against the dildo. Meanwhile, her cock throbs and leaks pre-cum with unquenched need.
05-02-2024, at 05:08 AM

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