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Lakeside Friends: Hot-Tub Seduction
Post #1
![]() ![]() The late afternoon sun peeked through the clouds as the sky began to clear over the lake. After two days of rain that kept us stuck in the cottage, I was ready to get out on the water to feel the wind in my face and course through my hair. It was especially hard to be shut-in during Thunderstorms after months of lockdown and self-isolation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We bought our island cottage about 5 years ago to get a respite from work and share some great times with our family and friends. Little did we know what a fortunate decision it would prove to be during this spring and summer. We had a quiet place to go during the pandemic to isolate ourselves, to find peace and solitude. However, weeks of isolation and now inclement weather was testing our patience. Thankfully, Maya and I get along well and when the weather isn't great we still enjoy quiet time reading, chatting by the fire and frequent hot bedroom adventures, even after decades of marriage. Even so, being an extrovert, I was longing to see and engage in conversation with others. With no real plan, I ventured out to seek friends relaxing on their docks with cold drinks in their hands. A little dock hopping would be the right tonic for my thunderstorm blues. The Seadoo was a perfect way to get out, get an adrenaline-charged ride and still enjoy the beauty of the lake, pine trees and the rain-fresh scent still hanging in the air. Normally we would ride together but Maya was in bed with a migraine. She encouraged me to go and enjoy the ride. "Why don't you stop in and say hi to Ryan and Sara. I bet they would welcome your company." While I loved the speed and agile handling of the Seadoo, Maya preferred not to take the controls. She just loved to straddle the seat behind me, wrap her arms tight around my waist and enjoy the ride. She always said the deep rumble and vibration from the engine under the seat felt like riding her Sybian while floating on a waterbed. I've never ridden a Sybian, so I'll just have to her word for it. After a quick jaunt up the lake and back, I was cruising past our friend's place located on a granite rock peninsula covered in majestic pines and oaks. While admiring the view, I caught a glimpse of Sara emerging from the cottage with a towel in hand. I stared a bit longer than necessary, after all, I always found her to be attractive; ginger-haired, fair-skinned, 5'4" with strong legs, tight ass and natural 34C breasts. She looked like she had just woken up after a satisfying post-coital nap. No doubt she knew I found her attractive as our conversations around the campfire and cocktail afternoons on the dock seemed charged with passion and sexual innuendos. I am pretty sure she caught me looking at her ass on more than one occasion. Ryan was a lucky man to have met her while on a post-grad trip to Ireland and he always paid close attention to her needs. He seemed a bit subservient at times but who am I to judge, as I have been told as much by others about my relationship with Maya. They both preferred to take control of most situations, and we didn't fight them on that. Lucky ladies some may say. Was Sara waving or gesturing me to pull up to their dock? A "come on over wave" so I pulled the Seadoo up to the dock where she came to meet me. Sara grabbed the braided ropes I tossed her and effortlessly pulled me in and tied me off. As she bent down to secure the front line, I couldn't help but notice the top of her milky white breasts and distinct tan lines from so many warm sunny afternoons on the deck lounge chair. Until the past week, it had been a dry, hot summer in cottage country. Her black crocheted cover-up did little to hide my view. Was she topless or was she wearing a light cream coloured bikini top? It was hard to tell from where I was seated. "Hey, sweetheart!" " Rather close aren't you. Not social distancing today," I inquired. She was close enough the scent of French lavender oil was hard to miss. "Screw that, I am sick off keeping 6ft away from people, besides I know you have been isolated at your island property for quite a while with that stunning brunette wife of yours." "I bet you never share her with anyone, not even...," Sara started to say. "Hi, Brad! Ryan yelled from their upper deck, "Are you planning on coming ashore for a bit? Let Sara tie you up!" The thought of her tying my wrists and ankles to a bed frame with ropes and cuffs crossed my mind. "That would be incredibly erotic" I whispered under my breath. "You know how good I am with ropes and knots honey," she teasingly hollered back. Thinking back to what she said about Maya, I always wondered if something was going on with them; the attraction seemed real to me rather than imagined. I have witnessed intense but subtle glances, the lengthy embraces when saying goodnight after a dinner party and the devious look in Sara's eyes when Maya exaggerated the crossing of her legs while her tight skirt rode up her thigh a bit higher. One night last summer by the campfire with maybe a few too many Anadolu Yakası Fetiş Escort drinks both Sara and Ryan admitted they were bi-sexual and swingers. They added that they hadn't been actively getting together with other couples for many years due to the time and energy expended on raising the twins. They used to frequent clubs, and attend private swinger parties. That was when the kids were young and they could get babysitters but once they became active with competitive sports there just wasn't much time for adult adventures. Their twins were just starting college and would be living on campus this fall so maybe they were thinking about getting back into the "swing" of things. Our daughter was also active in sports, a bit older and in her junior year at college. I recall how busy we were taking her to practices and games nearly every night and tournaments on weekends. Our common bond over raising athletic children was likely the reason we got along so well with stories of athletic accomplishments and sometimes disappointing failures filled our conversations. In our mid-forties and still, in good shape, Maya and I considered ourselves to be a straight couple. We hadn't been with anyone else since our college days. During an alcohol-fuelled game of truth or dare, we ended up having a MMF threesome with a roommate which unfortunately we never repeated. I recall she had at least one female friend from work who was bi-sexual and was always coming on to her. While she never told me the details, they did share a room together while on a yoga/spa retreat weekend. Maya was very relaxed and affectionate after that weekend so I figured it was an 'inspiring' retreat. We never seriously considered going to a swingers club or resort however we had both expressed our fantasies, one of which included sex with another couple, maybe even a bi-sexual couple. "Hey, is that a tray of drinks and glasses I see you carrying Ryan?" I chirped. "Hell yeah, just some perfectly poured Margaritas, my friend! Stay for one, or two?" Ryan called back. "Hey, are you flying solo? Where is that gorgeous little wife of yours?" "Back on the island, tucked in bed and trying to get rid of a migraine headache," I called back. Maya occasionally suffered migraines due to drops in the barometric pressure that occurs during thunderstorms. There is not much you can do but turn out the lights and hide under the covers. Sometimes if she felt one coming on she would seek out a vibrating dildo as an intense orgasm can break the migraine before it starts, so she claims. I never argue, and even offer my help when she wants it. With a pout, Sara mummers, "That's too bad, I am sure Ryan has a full pitcher and four salt-rimmed Margarita glasses to share. Also, there is plenty of room in the hot tub, which is where we were heading when you pulled up dockside." "Didn't you point at me and wave me to come over?" I inquired. "Well, yes and you are so desperate for the company you nearly overshot the dock pulling your throttle so hard," she teased. She waltzed across the lakeside dock while I admired her tight ass and swaying hips through the tightly fitted cover-up dress. I followed her up the stairs and had a sneak peek at her crotch. I am sure she opts for a "Brazilian" wax, but with the lockdown maybe her ginger bush has grown in a bit. No matter, I bet it is as sweet as honey, either way, I muse. I am sure she reads my mind as she turns, and smiles catching my blue eyes fixed on her ass rather than on the stairs. "Don't trip on those stairs, we wouldn't want to send you home to the Missus with bruises now, would we?" she taunted. Ryan had set the Margarita glasses and pitcher on the table beside the reclining lounge chairs. I'm pretty sure that I had interrupted their romantic hot tub dip this afternoon. As I said, Ryan's a lucky guy. As we made our way to the chairs, Ryan was all smiles. He had an infectious smile and laughter that just made everyone feel good and ready for a fun time no matter how you felt before coming into his presence. He was a kind-hearted and gentle guy who seemed to attract women with ease, plus every guy wanted to be in his circle of friends. At 5'11", he stood about four inches taller than me, and had a swimmer's body; lanky, big shoulders, flat chiselled chest, strong arms, thin waist and long legs. I am not sure if he manscaped for swimming, but he had very little body hair. As he stood with a white towel wrapped around his waist, the late afternoon sun shone on a light layer of sweat that glistened on his tanned chest and shoulders. He reminded me of a Greek athlete about to compete in the ancient Olympic Games of Athens. Guess he won the gene pool too...lucky guy. In his affable way, he assured me I had not interrupted anything special and it was good to see me, catch up and have a drink. Again, he hinted it would be nice to have Maya join us and said he may just have to go rub her shoulders to relieve the migraine Anadolu Yakası Gecelik Escort headache or better yet pick her up in the pontoon (a much gentler ride than the Seadoo) and carry her on his shoulders up the steps to the warm and soothing cedar wrapped hot tub on their deck. I am sure she would love that. He could easily lift and carry her petite 5'2" body a mile without breaking a sweat; wife-carry, maybe a new Olympic sport. Sara smiled and added that she missed our get-togethers which had up to now consisted of video chats, dockside visits without leaving the boat during the pandemic. Sara was the hugging type, a little more touchy-feely than most and embraced all her friends with open arms and a light kiss on both cheeks. As if on cue, she grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a strong hug and a kiss on my cheek. Social distancing be damned. "Break it up you two before the heat from your embrace melts the ice in our drinks," Ryan joked, as his big hands deftly rimmed the Margarita glasses with salt. He poured the three drinks, and I raised my glass to clink them in a toast to good health. Sara abruptly pulled her glass away and said, "That's not how we toast our best friends!" She went on to explain their special toast required each of us to touch the salt-rimmed glass with our lips making sure to lick any ice sweat or lime juice that may have accumulated and then we share a kiss. She empathized, "a proper kiss for everyone." I stared at her, then Ryan and we both agreed to play her game. "I'm ready for that, and it seems a lot more fun than just having our glasses kiss," Ryan laughed. At that moment, Sara demonstrated how it was to be done with Ryan. Seeing them lock lips and share a deep passionate kiss was arousing something in my shorts. She turned to me, smiled and said, "Now give that glass a good lick and come share a toast with me." When our lips met it was not your quick brush of flesh but an open invitation to share our salty-lime flavoured juices. Our tongues teased and twisted with pleasure. Her soft and warm hands had got under my shirt and were gliding over my back and shoulders. As she pulled back I was a bit stunned and just stared while she flashed a smile and a look that said she wanted more. I lifted my glass to take a sip of the cold drink, but it never made it to my lips as her cat-like reflexes grabbed my arm. "Hold on there Brad, I think you have one more toast to share," at which point she looked over to her husband standing a couple of feet away with his lips licking the rim of his glass and his other hand on the folded top of his towel. I hadn't kissed a guy before and I am sure I looked a bit nervous to do so now. With a wicked glance, Sara commanded me to lick my glass, "Show Ryan what a fantastic kisser you are and don't hide that tongue of yours." I stupidly looked around to see if anyone was watching which was near impossible given the tree coverage by the hot tub and the fact the twins were away at soccer training camp. Looking up at Ryan; how unusual to be having to get on my toes and stretch to kiss someone taller than me I absently thought. We came together and had a brief gentle kiss. Exasperated, and with an Irish lilt, Sara said, "Come on boys, I think you can do better than that!" It's funny how her accent emerges when she has been drinking or gets excited. The kissing became a bit more intense as our tongues tried to establish dominance. "Now that's better, and very hot indeed," she added. We broke apart and I felt a bit strange but turned on by my first real kiss with a guy especially with his wife cheering us on. The Margarita tasted both sweet and sour, a bit like the "toasts". The jovial conversation continued as did the admiring glances between this sexy couple and myself. If I was being seduced, then so be it my submissive nature suggested to me. The straps of the cover-up on Sara loosened a bit as she sassily moved around the deck with a drink in hand, revealing on more than one occasion her delightful breasts (no bikini top confirmed). The bulge under Ryan's towel grew in sync with the light touch of his wife's hand as she brushed by him placing the occasional kiss on his shoulder and neck. Thinking I was holding up their obvious desire for each other, I finished my drink and said, "Well, I should get going and let you two lovebirds enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Looks like I interrupted your plans." Sara looked hard at Ryan, who seemed to get her message right away as the intuition between a couple that had been together a long time resulted in a big, sneaky grin. "You're not going anywhere yet," as he moved the pitcher to the edge of the hot tub, motioned like he was going to fill my glass, linked his fingers under the towel roll, loosened it so it dropped to the ground and stepped gracefully into the hot tub. A bit shocked, I stood motionless. My jaw dropped at the sight of his smooth naked body and long, thin semi-erect cock submerged Anadolu Yakası Genç Escort just under the lightly circulating water of the hot tub. I had seen a lot of cock in the showers after a workout or squash game, including Ryan's, but never had I looked at it this way. A strange longing to grab hold and stroke it came over me. Must be the daytime heat (although it was still a bit cool from the rain) and the strong margarita, I reasoned with myself. At that moment, I felt Sara move in close to me, put her hand on my ass and nudge me towards the tub. "Why don't you join us in the hot tub for a while? I'm sure you can use a soothing soak and Maya needs her rest. I am positive she doesn't need you hanging around making noise this afternoon." She said with conviction. As I was about to take a tentative step forward, she got up on her toes kissed the back of my neck and whispered, "Shorts are banned from the tub, so they got to go." She reached her arms around me put her left thumb into the waistband at my hips and with her other hand pulled on the drawstrings upfront. My cock stiffened a bit with her touch and breath in my ear, but the fresh air kept it in a semi-flaccid state, thankfully. The board-shorts hit the ground and there I was standing naked in front of her with Ryan looking up at my stocky "wrestler's body" and manhood out on display. Sara's breasts and hard nipples were pushing into my back encouraging me to get in the water. Without further hesitation, I lowered myself into the tub and turned around to see Sara standing over us. The late afternoon sun reflecting off her ginger hair and tanned skin reminded me of a bronze statue I had seen in a museum in France. Was it Aphrodite, or some Siren luring me into her trap? I couldn't recall. She sauntered over to the edge of the tub and pulled the black cover-up over her head revealing her firm, milky white breasts, pink nipples and puffy areolas. She wore a cream coloured thong that she proceeded to remove, her natural tits hanging over us like two ripe mangoes ready to be peeled and sucked. She sat on the edge of the tub for a moment watching us with her feet swirling around in the warm water: second thoughts? Not at all, she just needed to refill her glass and offered to do the same for us. Grabbing the pitcher she proudly walked across the tub with the pitcher, her hardening nipples pointing the way and sat down on the bench between us. Another round of special toasts began however this time while deeply kissing her husband Sara grabbed hold of my stiffening cock. She then turned to me, our mouths seeking each other out. Our lips connected, parted slightly allowing her to stick her tongue deep in my mouth while she squeezed the tip of my cock between her thumb and forefinger. Sara then swung her left leg over me and straddled me. Easing herself down on to my cock she began to grind me. Glancing over my shoulder to Ryan and catching his smile I knew he was cool with this. He stood up and moved behind Sara. While we continued to kiss he put his arms around her and massaged her breasts. She was enjoying all the attention as she began to rock back and forth more urgently and with more pressure on my throbbing cock. He then linked his hands in front of her chest, arms under hers, he lifted her up and off me which was a good thing as I was about to explode. Ryan placed her down on her feet on the bench beside me, her fragrant and moist pussy inches away from me. He then turned her around and laid her gently back on the deck with her legs spread her cheeks slightly hanging over the edge of the tub. Ryan caressed her feet and legs deftly moving his hands towards her inner thighs and lightly brushed her labia. Sara moaned as she ached for more attention. He obliged by licking her clitoris gently and then kissed all around her outer lips. It was familiar territory and he knew how to please her. He looked up and said, "Why don't you have Sara spend some time getting to know that thick cock of yours. I know she would like to, and I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it too." Without hesitation, I got out of the tub and positioned myself on my knees above Sara facing Ryan. She gladly reached out her tongue and licked the tip of my cock. She then took the head into her mouth and moaned as Ryan continued to lick her pussy. She eagerly sucked on the head before lifting up and coaxing my cock deeper into her mouth stopping momentarily, so I asked, "Is everything was okay?" She released my cock from her mouth and said, "It's a little thicker and heavier than I am used to so just adjusting, thanks." I always considered my cock to be average however compared to Ryan, I was not as long but quite a bit thicker. Similar to my overall body shape, I guess; short and stocky. She hungrily took it deeper, coating it with her saliva and eventually deep throated my dick while massaging it with her tongue. She was expertly sucking my cock while getting off on the attention her husband gave her pussy. Her body started to quiver, arching her back with the first wave of her orgasm coming on. "Oh, fuck that feels incredible" she moaned as she took my rigid and pulsing cock out of her mouth, grabbed it and began stroking it. "One day, I shall have that thick cock of yours deep in me!" She claimed. At that moment her body responded with her first climax. |
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