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In It For The Long Run Ch. 06
Post #1
![]() ![]() CHAPTER 6: ALICE Amber and I approached the door, giggling to ourselves softly before we had to compose ourselves for this upcoming performance. Assuming that everything had gone to plan, we knew exactly what he was going to be up to. You see, the second stage of his hypnosis had not only implanted some more *ahem* feminine qualities in his psyche, but it also made it so that any orgasm outside of a sissygasm would be inherently unsatisfying. If we were right, then we'd find him mindlessly stroking to whatever porn he could get his hands on in a desperate attempt to get off. The lights were off in the house, and we closed the door behind us as quietly as we could. Tiptoeing into the bedroom, we noticed the pansy sitting at the desktop. The monitor was the only source of light in the room, and it was playing a sissy hypnosis video loud enough for us to hear it bleed out of the headphones he was wearing. Amber and I looked at each other and giggled at the sight. I flicked the light switch on and cocked my hips to one side, putting on my best fake disappointed glare. I heard a gasp from Chris as he realized what was happening, and he stopped stroking his cock. Slowly, he turned to look at me and Amber with a horrified look on his face. "Chris? What the hell is this?!" I yelled, prompting Chris to flinch in fear. "I- I-," he stuttered, "It's not what it looks like?" "Right..." Amber said, and then squinted her eyes at Chris's pretty new underwear. "Hey Alice, aren't those your panties?" She smirked. I fumed at Chris, glaring daggers at his fearful expression. My feigned anger, however, wasn't enough to do what we came in to do. "Wait, Alice, don't get angry at him." I tried to act shocked at her little act. "What? Why shouldn't I?" Amber smiled warmly at Chris, and then walked over to him to caress his face. "Look at this little sissy, Alice, she just couldn't help trying on those pretty panties of yours. It's not her fault." "What do you mean by-," Chris was cut off when I narrowed my eyes at him with a vicious glare. "Now Chris," I said, "is this true? Are you a little sissy who likes to wear panties?" He opened his mouth to respond, but I prevented him from even making a case for his innocence. "And don't lie, I can see the cum stains on your panties." He was speechless, and choked on his own words. "It- it-, I don't-," he slumped over as he gave up trying to plead his case, knowing that he was caught red-handed. "Are you going to leave again?" He asked, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Oh no, honey," I said with love dripping from my vowels. gaziantep escort "I'm going to help you through this confusing time in your life." I smiled warmly at him and caressed his inner thighs. He looked up at me, confusion spilling across his face. "If you want to wear these pretty panties so much, you can. They're yours now. Forever. And I fully expect to see you in panties every single day since you like them so much. Maybe we can even go shopping and buy you some panties of your own, would you like that?" The look on his face could've sold out an entire stadium. He was chock full of fear and anxiety, I could tell he didn't know how to even begin processing this situation. And worst of all for him, he was still horny and didn't know why. "Alice, I didn't mean to-," *SLAP* I left a red mark on his left cheek as I disciplined the little sissy. "Now you listen here, Chrissy," I said, provoking the tears to start streaming down his face and incentivizing his silence. "I told you not to lie to me. Now I found you sitting here in my panties, sitting at my computer watching porn, jacking off with my cock," he looked up at that last one a bit confused. "And it is my cock until you prove your faithfulness." "I'm sorry, Alice," he said, more meek and submissive than I'd ever seen him in his life. "It's mistress, now," I said, wearing a smile that was a bit more cruel than it was anything else. "I'm sorry... mistress." He couldn't even look me in the eyes anymore, and that fact made my pussy leak like the Niagara Falls. "Good girl," I said, patting him on the head. "Now since I found you like this, you deserve a punishment for playing with my toys without my permission, right?" It wasn't really a question. "Yes, mistress," he said. "So until your debt to me is cleared, you're going to be wearing pretty girlie panties at all times." I giggled a little. "It should also make sure that you're never going to cheat on me again; or rather you can't, not while you're wearing those pretty panties of yours. No self-respecting girl would ever sleep with a man wearing such feminine undies, of course." He blushed at my comment, and turned away from me. "Yes, mistress." "That's a good girl, Chrissy. Now continue with what you were doing before we came in," I said, smirking at his wide-eyed response. "But I- but I-," his eyes went to the floor as he slumped over, knowing he had no real foothold to argue from here. konya escort "Yes, mistress..." Before Chris reached down to his cock to begin stroking once again to the sissy porn, I made sure to reinforce his conditioning. "Chrissy, honey?" He turned around, dreading what else I would ask of him. "Do it like the little sissy girl you are." His face went as red as a cherry, and he slipped the panties over his raging hard cock and began to rub it through the material. His eyes slowly became more focused on the screen in front of him, words starting to flash on the screen more and more visibly as time went on such as 'suck cock', 'dress like a girl', and 'act like a girl'. I could tell by his labored breathing that he was more than ready to cum, so I signaled for Amber to come in with the ice. That's right, the ice. "STOP." I commanded, causing a panic from Chris who was about to cream his panties. He didn't even notice Amber coming in from the side to ice down his groin. She pulled down his panties enough to let his little cock pop out, all leaking with precum, and shoved a bag of ice directly onto it. Chris yelped in surprise. "Shut it, sissy. This is your retribution for cumming without my permission." Fed up with the entirety of the situation, Chris got a fierce look in his eyes that I hoped I'd never see again. "You know what? I'm done with this shit, Alice." He had tears in his eyes, and his cock was quickly going limp due to the cold ice pack on his groin. Chris stood up, panties still around his legs, and started to head for the door. "This is all just too much for me to take. I thought you loved me." Enraged, I grabbed him by the hair and swung him around to meet me face-to-face. "You stupid sissy bitch," I said, tightening my grip around his chin. The look of defiance in his eyes was quickly replaced by one of fear and submission as the hypnotic conditioning took back hold of his mind. "I almost let you off easy, but you had to go and ruin it. You're mine, now and forever. I'll give you a reminder of that." I slapped him, the hypnosis taking hold of his still horny and confused mind to prevent his disobedience. Reading the situation, Amber sashayed over to us holding the chastity device we had bought as a backup option early on. "Is this what you were looking for, Alice? I hear it works wonders for making little sissy boys more compliant." She smiled and applied the ice pack against Chris's crotch once again, causing it to shrink even further. "Thanks," I said, and slid Chris's shriveled member into the confines of the steel cage. Chris watched on in horror kayseri escort as the lock on his sissy clitty clicked shut, unable to even physically resist what was happening. "And with that, you certainly won't be able to use my property anymore. I hope you learn your lesson, honey." My words were dripping with a teasing sarcasm that I knew would make him start to unwillingly strain in his cage. Of course, he immediately did what every sissy does, and tried to force it off every which way. He rolled around on the ground, furiously clawing at the cage, trying to find even a little bit of stimulation to try and cum. Unfortunately for him, it just wasn't working out for him. Pity. Chris looked up at us from the ground with tears in his eyes and begged. "Please, mistress, please just let me cum please. I need it." "Oh honey," I said, smiling lovingly as I knelt down to caress his caged member, "if I let you out of your cage you wouldn't really be learning much of a lesson, now would you?" He winced and looked down at his clitty bulging out of the cage's confines. And once again, he hung his head in defeat. "Where does this end, mistress?" "With you and me on 'equal' terms, so to speak," I said. "Trust me, you'll thank me when this is all over for fixing those bad habits of yours. I can promise you at least that your habit of cheating on me with blonde bimbo whores will not be an issue when I'm through with you." He gulped, knowing that he well deserved the treatment he was getting. Amber looked at her watch and gasped. "Oh crap it's late, I should be getting home." "Oh okay," I said, "I think we're done here anyways. Chris?" He looked up at me with a pleading look that I obviously ignored. "Escort Amber to her vehicle, would you?" Chris had a fleeting moment where he actually thought that this request was going to be as simple as it sounded on the surface. He was sorely mistaken. "Yes, mistress," he said, getting up and grabbing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. "What are you doing? You're already fully dressed, aren't you?" I said, much to Chris's surprise and confusion. "Well? Are you not already as dressed as you need to be for such a simple task?" He blushed and looked back down at his pretty lacy panties. "Yes, mistress. I understand, mistress." And with that, the little sissy did a mincing walk as he escorted the grinning Amber out the front door to her car in the driveway. She made sure to take as much time as she needed to put on her shoes, to slowly and deliberately runway-walk to her car, and finally she handed him her keys and told him to open the car door for her. He bent over slightly to insert the key, prompting Amber to smack his tight pantied ass, and then continued on groping his ass as he scrambled to open the car door. Eventually, however, Chris finally got the door open and Amber smirked as she waved me and Chris goodbye. He scampered his frilly ass back into the house in no time flat. |
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