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Myra - English Version

Post #1

WARNING: English is NOT my first language - I have learned it in school and practiced it a lot in trading, but this is (even though pornographic) supposed to be literature.
So please bear with me, or, if not, just read something else.
I also need to mention that the story is true, only depicting my personal experience(s).
All the names and/or places may have nothing to do with the reality...
I'm at the seaside, on a terrace, together with my ex-commander, his wife, a lieutenant and his wife, while I am... alone.
We really get along well, but the wife of my ex-commander, like always, each and every summer, keeps on teasing me that I should, one way or another, give up my single status, since I am already in my twenties - early twenties, right - but I need to try to settle down, have a family, kids...
Gosh! I always hate it when she starts talking about this, and she surely knows it very well...
"What are you waiting for?!? All the good girls will get married! You'll just have to choose from a bunch of girls nobody else wanted, or, eventually, get married to a girl half your age, to have her call you daddy!"...
I know that, by now, from how much booze she has swallowed, it's not her, anymore...
I let her speak on, while my commander and the lieutenant are trying to pretend that they are not there...
Gosh! Embarrassing moments, but I do know very well that, in fact, she really likes me - she's fond of me, and she really wants what's the best for me...
Suddenly, she stops.
"Now, big boy, I know that you can be discreet. If you look towards your right, you will see, at the other table, for six, on the diagonal, a pair of wonderfully blue eyes, held by a beautiful face, surrounded by an aura of blond curly hair - and I can bet that the curls are natural - who seems to have come with some friends of hers, but who doesn't have a partner. They are, just like us, two pairs and a single, with the difference that the single person there, is this beauty"...
She pauses, letting me focus the "target", then she continues:
"I have seen her going to the toilet, so that I can assure you that the rest, hidden now by the table, is just as beautiful - so, don't sit here like a bag of potatoes! Move your ass and invite her to dance! And... young man, don't you dare lead her back at her table before the orchestra sings, at least, one blues!"...
I reply, in a very military style, that I have received and understood her orders, so that I shall follow them within seconds...
The commander and the lieutenant start laughing, trying to smooth things for all of us...
Now, what can I say? The girl is really beautiful, which makes me wonder how come that she's alone over here...
Meanwhile, I must move quickly, before my commander's wife starts talking again!
I raise, approach their table, and, very politely, I excuse myself towards her companions, asking for permission to invite the young lady to dance with me.
All the five of them start looking at one another, until, one of the ladies starts speaking in French, explaining to me that they don't speak or understand Romanian...
Fuck! That's a big surprise, since from their attitude I just haven't guessed that they may be strangers!
Anyway, I immediately recompose myself, then start talking again, this time in French.
It's their time to be surprised.
In just a few words, I find myself on the dancing ring, thanking God that I haven't swallowed as much booze as I usually do, when meeting my trabzon escort ex commander...
In the corner of my eye, I can see my ex commander approaching the chief of the orchestra, and, whispering something to him...
Now, the usual style is that, after three "agitated" songs, the orchestra, usually, gives the dancers a break, singing a blues...
Gosh! In just a few minutes I realize that they have been instructed to let us sweat like pigs...
Truth is, that when I was young, I've used to be a really good dancer...
Finally, the guys in the orchestra seem to have pity of us, so that they start a blues...
The only problem is that this blues seems to never end, since they just jump from one tune to another...
All this combination lasts about twenty minutes, so that I have time enough to find out that the girl is named Myra and that she is Canadian...
Gosh! This will be a really big surprise for my military friends, since, according to the regulations here, they are not aloud to have any kind of contacts with foreigners...
We are living in the Ceausescu era!...
After the prolonged collection finishes, the orchestra takes a break, so that I lead Myra back at her place, thanking her, and to the rest of her friends...
When I reach my friends and take a seat, I start explaining to them the "situation"...
As I've mentioned before, my ex commander's wife is... tipsy already, so that she calls for the waiter, and orders him two bottles of champagne to be brought at the Canadian table...
Well, bottles, glasses, opening, pouring...
Then they turn towards us, making the sign of cheers...
We also raise our glasses, but now it's the moment when Myra waves her hand towards me, obviously inviting me to join them...
Fuck! This wasn't planned!
And, of course, again, my commander's wife:
"Now, young man, since you've been so obviously invited, just move your bag of potatoes over there, and, if I don't see you until next summer... no problem!"
Anyway, I raise and go at the "Canadian" table, where I start a cozy conversation with everybody, while Myra insists to pour a glass of champagne for me, in spite of the fact that the waiter is trying to do his best to assume this task himself...
Of course the waiter is old enough to know that if a woman wants something, then you should let her do as she pleases, especially when, as a waiter, you expect, at the end, a nice tip!...
Now, I also do have a problem, since, after so much booze, I don't intend to make some stupid mistake, so that I excuse myself and go to the toilet...
Two fingers, well placed, deep down my throat, let me eliminate, not only the booze, but, probably, even the food that I've been eating two months ago!...
Well, I finish what I've been doing, then, cautiously, get out from the cabin, wash my face and hands, comb my hair with my hands, then... back at the Canadian table...
Now, ladies and gentlemen, according to my style, I can start eating and drinking again!
We're having a nice chat, while the orchestra arranges their instruments and starts singing again...
This time, Myra is the one who asks me to take her to dance...
I cannot tell, with a certain precision, but, most probably, we've been dancing for an hour, or so...
After the following break, I am informed by the waiter that my friends want to have me at their table for a minute, or so...
He doesn't tell me this in Romanian, but in French, making sure that everyone at the table trabzon escort bayan has heard and understood...
When I reach there, they all raise, we shake hands, kiss good bye with the ladies, then... I go towards the Canadians...
As usual, both guys, my friends, wish me "good luck and good fuck", while their wives protest, telling them that they are... pigs!...
Honestly, I am embarrassed, since, normally, I should have left the restaurant together with my friends...
I don't need to speak a word - Myra is coming towards me, grabbing my hand, and, this time, leading me towards the dance floor...
As I can see, she has sensed my embarrassed position, plus that she has found a way to take me out from it!...
Furthermore, after a few dances, she tells me that she would be real happy if I took her on the beach...
The dialogue is slick, quick and simple...
I shake hands with the group, then... good bye!...
We do take a real long stroll on the shore of the sea...
It so happens that her boyfriend has... died in a motorcycle accident, while I... do look very much alike with her deceased friend...
... We walk - and talk - like crazy...
At around four o'clock in the morning, we find a place to sit and watch the sunrise...
Myra has been very clear - she doesn't want to have sex with me, and, also, I can always go mind my own business...
Now, after hearing her story, plus the atmosphere around everything, who the heck wants to have sex?!?
Still, I'm just wondering - does she just use me as a toy for her bad feelings?...
It's almost four o'clock in the morning, when, I simply stop her, embrace her, there, on the beach, in the middle of nowhere, and kiss her...
We seem to be real good at it, both of us, since we stay like that, embraced, and with our mouths working up each other, until... the sun has raised!...
What can I tell you?!?
That my dick is hard as a spile?!?
That my precum has already, probably, formed a spot that can be seen including on my summer trousers?!?
That I feel like taking, as a caveman, this young sexy woman and hide her behind some bushes on the beach?!?
That, at almost six o'clock in the morning she leaves me in a little park, beside her hotel, asking me to, by all means, wait for her, even if I have to stay on that cursed bench for hours?!?...
Luckily, I still have a few cigarettes left, so that I sit, smoke, and... wait!...
I know that nobody knows shit, but, still, I feel embarrassed when people start passing me by, going to the beach, for the very early sun rays...
I feel so embarrassed, that I simply avoid looking towards them, until I feel the approach of a rather large beach bag, landing beside me, on the bench...
When I look towards the owner of the bag, I almost cannot recognize the lady, with a large pair of sun glasses, a very thin blouse, slightly hiding her bra, with a reeeealy short skirt, barely hiding her panties, and... that really large hat, hiding into a shadow everything that I was familiarized with, regarding her face...
She simply takes a sit on the bench beside me, grabs a pack of cigarettes that I've never heard about, takes one, awaits for me to give her a light, then starts explaining to me, in English, this time, that she's spoken to a friend of hers, one of the girls who was at the table the previous night, that she intends to stay with me for the rest of the day, and that, latest at six o'clock in the evening, she will, eventually, leave a message escort trabzon at the reception for her, so that she wouldn't worry...
I cannot even remember what I've been mumbling, but, anyway, she declares herself satisfied with my English - now, as a secret - in fact, it so happens that I do speak a much better English than French...
The reason of all this is that she doesn't want to feel like "cheating" her deceased boyfriend, with whom she was speaking in French, since they were both Quebequoise!...
Gosh! Why do I feel a chill up my spine, pushing me to leave this girl and go at my hotel?!?...
But... no! I'm a grown up man!
I simply lead my "girlfriend" towards my hotel, take advantage of the fact that the key of the room is in my hand purse, avoiding to have contact with any receptionist, on our way towards the elevators...
In my room, she insists to take off her clothes by herself, but I cannot avoid noticing that she's got a large cotton pad protecting her panties from getting wet...
And... she's real wet, since, as she confesses, she hasn't had sex since her boyfriend has died, more than six months ago...
She's never stopped being on the pill, as she tells me, so that, after making love, not fucking, we just finish together, in an explosion of joy and lust...
Should I tell you that, after taking a shower, we get dressed, then, when almost reaching the exit of my hotel room, she simply grabs me by the hand, and makes me land on the bed, then takes my clothes off, this time having me like a cow girl, and making love to me, for more than an hour, until, even if I don't usually ejaculate while laying on my back, I simply explode, while she responds to my reaction with a huge orgasmic explosion?...
Should I tell you that all these hours our only food or drink have only been parts of our bodies?!?
And please don't think about sucking the cock or licking the cunt!
Just lips, neck, and, from my side, licking some nipples!...
We are simply enjoying the old fashioned vaginal sex, with no kinky "spicing" involved!...
The only kinky stuff, to say so, is that every time I ejaculate, she starts telling me how eager she is to have my kids into her womb, to make her become the mother of my children, which, as we know very well, is not really possible, with her being on the pill...
Anyway, all this combination of feelings and acts makes us leave the room somewhere in the afternoon, probably at four or five...
We do reach her hotel close to six o'clock in the evening, and she simply goes to the reception, asks for a sheet of paper and a pen, writes something, then... gone we are!
We are already dressed in our swimming suites, so that getting undressed and rushing towards the black sea is a matter of only a few minutes...
The water is warmer than the air, so that we swim and play for more than an hour...
Getting out of the water makes us both freeze, but fortunately, she's got a huge towel, so that I frantically dry her, then I dry myself...
Believe it, or not!
We keep on making love for ten days, with nothing but vaginal sex, loving and caressing each other, until the day she has to leave for the airport...
We've been only eating once per day - very consistent - steaks and whatever!
But, in rest, just sex and some bathing in the water of the sea - even my parents got somewhat confused, since they knew that I used to make a phone call, from time to time, just telling them that I was all right...
Yes, I'm not a teenager anymore, but a phone call does not hurt!...
Frankly, I've never seen this girl taking her pill - in fact, I wasn't following her - but now, at fifty four, I'm just wondering...
If there has been a child, a he or a she, I just hope that she/he has a wonderful life!...
12-21-2021, at 10:01 PM

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