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First Massage

Post #1

Livy lay under the sheet on a massage table. She was face down with a small pillow under her head. The room was moderately dark and quite warm. This would be her first time getting a massage from Rich and she was a little nervous. After all, getting a massage from a male therapist always had a little bit of sexual tension that was less likely with a female therapist. But he had been recommended as a good, affordable and well-behaved therapist by two of her friends and she trusted their opinions.

When she met Rich at his studio she had been concerned that the two of them were completely alone. There was no receptionist and the female therapist Rich shared the studio with was nowhere in sight. Rich was a nice looking young man - perhaps a little too nice looking but very polite and not threatening at all. He was clean. He had a short, conservative haircut. His hands were neither large nor small. Medium. She noticed that his nails were short, but professionally cared for. He was wearing sneakers and scrubs. The bottoms were black and the top was white and there was a black web belt around his waist with something hanging from it in a kind of holster. It looked like a pump bottle and Livy guessed that it was massage cream. Rich had an easy way about him, very matter of fact as he spoke softly about things like the benefits of massage for relaxation as well as for physical health. Livy had no health issues, but her job did make her tense, especially across the shoulders and she hoped Rich would be able to help with her somewhat sore shoulder muscles. She told him that.

They had discussed what she should wear for the massage. He pointed out that a bra would make working with her back and shoulders a bit awkward, but he went on to say that he would accommodate her if she was nervous about taking it off. He could work around the straps. He explained that panties too were optional. If not wearing panties made her nervous, that would not be a problem but, again, if she wanted her glutes massaged it would be easier to work them without having to move the seat material around. He also assured her that he had been trained to handle the draping so that she would never be exposed.

Now she lay on the table under a sheet without bra or panties waiting for Rich. There was a soft knock on the door of the massage room.

"Are you ready?"


The door opened slowly, leaving just enough room for Rich to slip around it into the room. He entered and closed the door behind him. He picked up a small bolster from the table in the corner.

"I'm going to put a bolster under your feet. It will be more comfortable." Rich folded the under sheet back, so that it would be between Livy's skin and the bolster. He raised her feet a few inches and slipped it under her ankles, adjusting the sheets afterwards.

Saying "I'll start with your back," he folded the top sheet back over her buttocks, exposing Livy's back. She could hear a squishy sound as Rich pumped a fair amount of massage cream onto his left hand. He rubbed some onto his right hand as well and placed his hands slowly and gently onto Livy's upper back. Livy could feel the warmth of his hands and was a little surprised that he managed to initiate contact without jarring her. It just felt natural, his warm hands settling into her back slowly without moving. She relaxed into the table and let go of her breath, which she had been holding without being aware of the fact.

Rich slowly moved his hands to the shoulders, covering each shoulder with one hand and then moved down to the small of the back, never losing contact with Livy's skin. From there he slowly moved up the center of the back on either side of the spine, flared to the sides at shoulder level and moved down the sides to the small of the back, where he had started. He performed this maneuver several times, always slowly.

"I am going to massage you with about this much pressure. If you would like a lighter or a heavier massage you need to tell me that. You can ask for more or less pressure at any time and, of course, you must tell me immediately if you feel discomfort or pain. Do you understand?" He added the last question because he knew that Livy, like all massage clients, had already begun to relax and lose that sharp focus we have when we are having a conversation. That's why he never held conversations with clients unless they forced him to by talking. He would respond politely, but he did not encourage further talk. A massage is a physical event, not a verbal one, or that's what Rich believed anyway.

Rich continued the long circular strokes a little longer. Then he began to work his way around Livy's back with a stroke pattern that kneaded the superficial skin and muscle of the back. The purpose was to increase blood flow and, as a result, to strip excess fluid from the skin, fat and muscle cells. Muscular tension almost always involved an accumulation of some amount of excess fluid.

Rich moved to the left shoulder area, tracing the margins of the complex skeletal structures of the upper back and the shoulder kocaeli escort joint. He carefully worked all the muscles of the area, ending with the four muscles that tie together the shoulder capsule. As he worked, he found occasional areas of tension and little knots in the muscles and he carefully worked each one until it disappeared. After the shoulder he massaged the shoulder cap - the deltoid - and then worked down the arm. He moved the complicated bones of the wrist around gently to free any restrictions and addressed the left hand.

Rich loved to massage hands. He was fascinated by the complex design of the joints in the hand and he was very aware of the extreme sensitivity of the hand. He used his thumbs to work the padded area of the palm as well as the suggestive structures where the fingers joined the hand at their roots. To him they were each a small replica of the crotch area and, as he rubbed that fleshy web he could not help wondering whether there was any reaction to his attentions in "other" areas of the body. After all, he thought to himself, they say "as above, so below."

When he had completed both hands Rich moved to the area of the left leg.

"Do you want me to massage the gluteal area?", he asked.

Livy, floating off in a relaxed sea of sensual stimulation and warmth, made a supreme effort and was able to murmur "Ok."

Rich pinned the sheet to the table with his left hand and raised the lower part of the sheet slightly. He moved it to the area between Livy's legs so that the edge of sheet followed the line of her butt crack. Pulling down toward the table slightly, he managed to slide the sheet into the crack.

Rich now began the massage of the left leg. Making use of the expanse of leg from the ankle to the hip he began with one of his long strokes. The left hand traveled up the leg to the hip, flared out and came down the outside of the leg. At the same time the right hand ran up the leg to the inner side of the left buttock, flared out and came down, avoiding the butt crack by a good inch or so until it dropped onto the inner thigh in parallel with the left hand. The hands came down to the ankle, turned and went back for the next stroke. After the long strokes, Rich began kneading, first the calf, then moving to the back of the thigh and finally to the buttock itself. The gluteal area was easy. Rich could feel that Livy was appreciatively absorbing his massage. She did not tense up when he kneaded the butt cheek and Rich thought that her legs were spread wider than they had been when he started the butt area. Rich knew that, even though Livy was enjoying the butt massage, when it came to the lower portion of the butt - the ischium - he had to be careful. Any movement toward the anus or the crotch area would be felt as very invasive and he wanted to avoid that at all costs.

Rich had been doing massage for years. He knew very well that occasionally a client would ask him to "make sure to massage the ischium". He knew what that meant. It was a license to massage in a way that would be sexually stimulating without the client saying so. A client who asked for the ischium wanted to be stimulated without anyone knowing and without the dalliance going any further. He was afraid that Livy would not appreciate such overt stimulation, so he worked the lower butt very circumspectly.

All this "being good" didn't keep him from his favorite game, to see how much he could get going without tipping his hand. After he had finished the right leg he recovered the buttock, but uncovered the back again, this time to a couple of inches below the waist, revealing the sacrum, the end of the spine. He massaged the lower back and the very upper butt for a while. This is an area that addresses low back pain and nearly everyone appreciates any attention here. Then he began massaging the sacrum itself. It is an inverted triangle of bone that has a parallel series of depressions that cover the holes for the spinal nerves to pass through to the pelvic area. Everything in the pelvic area was fed by these nerves and returned sensation along them. The incoming nerves could be stimulated to excite the various pelvic areas. Carefully, he massaged the uppermost depression, S1, on both sides. He did not expect any reaction from S1 massage. He moved down one depression to S2, again not expecting any serious response. Ah, but S3, the next depression down, fed directly into the deep dorsal nerve of the clitoris and, when he touched it he heard Livy make a sharp intake of breath. He immediately moved away from the area and abandoned any more messing with the sacral nerves.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked innocently.

"Huh!? Oh, no. I'm all right. You touched something that felt like hitting my funny bone. Is it time to turn over yet?"

"Almost. I want to do some long strokes to balance and smooth out everything."

Rich covered Livy's back and, on top of the sheet, he did a few long strokes from the feet to the neck.

"Ok. Now we are ready to turn over. Let me tell you how we are going to do it. I will reach across you kocaeli escort bayan and raise the opposite side of the sheet just a couple of inches. Meanwhile I will pin the sheet to the table next to me. You will be able to turn on your back by rolling your left shoulder and hip toward me. That way you will be completely covered at all times. Got it?"

"I think so. My left shoulder and hip roll toward you."


Rich reached under the bottom sheet by Livy's ankles and removed the bolster. He pinned the sheet with his thighs and reached across to raise the sheet a little.

"Ok, roll."

At which Livy rolled her right shoulder and hip away from Rich. In the process she tangled the sheet up in such a way that her breasts and her genital area were completely exposed.

"Oh dear, I did it backwards!"

Rich turned toward the wall. "It's ok. My fault. I am facing the wall and you can do whatever you need to do to get yourself on your back and completely covered by the sheet. I'm so sorry."

"No, no. It was really my fault. Sometimes I get my right and my left mixed up. There. I'm covered now. You can turn around."

Rich was genuinely surprised. Livy's explanation was very thin. He didn't believe it. As improbable is it might sound, he strongly suspected that Livy had just flashed him intentionally. He wondered what her game was. He had some regular clients who had eventually revealed a desire to receive extra services from him, but never a first time client. He was carefully building toward that kind of relationship in the future by his cautious "accidental" stimulation. After all, those extra services were worth very large tips and he had no compunction about providing those services. But this was unthinkable for a first time client. He began to worry that Livy was a policewoman trying to bust him for prostitution. He resolved to be very careful and very straight for the rest of the massage.

He lifted the bottom sheet from the side and said, "Raise your knees a little and I will slip the bolster in under them. It will take any stress off your back that might be caused by lying on it." Livy complied and Rich placed the bolster under the bottom sheet.

Rich uncovered Livy's left leg, stopping about four inches below the crotch and began long strokes up the front of the leg. After the second stroke Livy said, "You know, you have already seen as much of me as there is to see. If you got the sheet out of the way you could extend that stroke much higher. I wouldn't mind. In fact, I wish you would."

"Livy, I don't provide sexual services to my clients."

"Of course not. I didn't think you did. I just thought it would be easier for you and the massage would be more complete." And, with that, she threw the sheet on the floor and lay on the table face up and totally nude.

Wondering about Livy's use of the word "complete", Rich went to the foot of the table and, with one hand on each leg, he did a long stroke to within an inch of her crotch, flared his hands out and came back down the sides of the legs. He repeated the stroke.

"See, isn't that easier?", Livy asked innocently.

"Yes, Livy", he said, "and it's not hard on the eyes either. You have a beautiful body."

"Thank you, Rich. I'm sure you have a lot of experience with bodies. I'm flattered."

"Livy, you need to be very explicit if you want extra services. I won't risk my license on the chance that you are from the police. I will not offer you any specific extra services and I will not tell you how much to tip."

"The police? You think I could be from the police?"

"I have no way of knowing, to be honest."

"Well, try this. Slide a finger into my pussy and see how wet this policeman is!"

"I don't need to do that, Livy. I believe you."

"Well, why don't you do it anyway?"

Rich's head was swimming. Up to this point he was playing the same game he had played for years. Suddenly, he had lost control. He was completely turned on by this unexpected behavior. He hesitated, not knowing quite what to do.

"Are you rejecting me?"

"If you think so, put a hand on my crotch. I am totally turned on."

"Well, then, why don't you pick up the massage where you left off? I'll settle for a nice professional hand job."

Rich doesn't say anything. He places one hand on each of Livy's thighs and begins making circles on the tissue, right hand clockwise and left hand counter-clockwise. Slowly, the size of the circles increases until, after a while, Livy's outer lips begin to open and close as he makes his circles. Soon he can see into the space between the lips and he can see that the tissue lining the lips as well as the deeper tissues of Livy's pussy were red, bright red.

Rich put some massage cream on his right index finger. He placed his left hand crosswise on Livy's hairy bush as he touched the area just forward of her anus gently. Pressing down rhythmically with his left hand he began to make small circles on her taint with his right index finger. Livy had begun to moan izmit escort softly.

"You need to be careful about sounds, Livy. Sometimes my partner has a massage scheduled in the other room and I never really know when she might be here."

"I'll try, Rich. What you are doing feels so good. I've had to take care of myself for the past three weeks, since my husband and I broke up. My touch is really boring compared to yours."

"That's nice of you to say, Livy. Let's see if I can't make this trip worth the three week wait."

His index finger was completely covered with Livy's pussy juices, leaking from between her lips down onto his hand and her anus. He gathered up as much of it as he could, rolling his finger around her taint and finally let it slide past the fourchette into the area between the small lips. If he had thought the area of the taint was wet, he now found something a whole lot wetter. He could see the white, creamy globs of lubrication running down onto his hand. Now he and Livy were both breathing hard and he pressed his throbbing erection against the side of the table. He knew that he had to maintain control of himself in order to keep control of the situation. He was not going to fuck this woman. She had asked for a hand job and that was what she was going to get. From the look of things, she was going to be damn glad to have gotten it.

Finally, Rich put his index and middle fingers together and let them slide into the hot pool of lubrication in Livy's vagina.

"Oh, God!"

"Are you ok?"

"Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes yes. More. Finger fuck me more!"

"Shhh. Try to keep the sound down. I'll finger fuck you silly. Just keep the sound down."

Rich knew his pussy anatomy. He slowly slid his two fingers in and out of Livy's vagina, all the while kneading her hairy mound. The kneading had gotten somewhat less gentle, but he heard no complaints. He felt the front wall of the vagina as he rubbed it and he could feel the erect tissue over the G spot, just inside her pussy sphincter, which gripped his fingers tightly. His thumb slid down between the small lips and began to alternately massage the erect tissue on either side of the lips. Livy began rocking her pelvis and Rich allowed his thumb to ride up and down the soaked slit. She was fucking his hand and he picked up on her body rhythms and moved his hands in time. It was a dance. The ultimate dance of life. And it was thrilling to him to dance it with Livy. It was thrilling to be a part of her ecstasy, thrilling to feel her wild pursuit of an orgasm.

Slowly, he allowed his thumb to ride up to her pee hole, which she now crushed into Rich's thumb. She bucked and thrusted. Rich knew she was trying to get his thumb up to her clitoris but he was not done teasing her. The thumb slid outside of the inner lips and along the right side of the shaft of the clitoris, up and over the crus at the top and down the left side of the shaft. A dozen times, he circled her clitoris but did not allow his thumb to settle on the head. He could see that the clitoral hood was completely retracted and he could see the swollen clitoris standing proud, as proud as the biggest erection Rich had every had, and he decided to give Livy what she wanted. He put his thumb up where her bucking and thrusting clitoris would be able to ride on the pad of his thumb. It was a bit of a stretch because he still had two fingers fucking her vagina but he managed.

Livy was very close to coming. She was breathing very fast and she was no longer able to keep from moaning. Her clitoris went up and down the pad of his thumb faster. Faster and faster. Her thrusting was spasmodic, completely out of control and then...

Livy came. He knew she had come because her pussy grabbed the two fingers he had been fucking her with so tight that he couldn't move them. He couldn't move them in and out. He couldn't wiggle them where they were, deep in her vagina. Livy let go a giant exhale and Rich could feel her pussy spasming on his fingers.

Rich had one last trick up his sleeve. While Livy was coming he let his left thumb slide down and press on her clitoris and he put his right index finger as far up her ass as he could reach. Livy had no idea she was going to come again. It took her totally by surprise. It took her so much by surprise that she was completely unaware that his finger was up her ass. But come again she did. She had totally lost control of the sounds she was making and Rich mentally crossed himself, hoping they were alone in the office. Rich was a pro. He mirrored her movements precisely in this ultimate dance. When her pelvis thrusted forward he slid his right thumb into her vagina. Now he was holding and kneading the wall between his thumb and the index finger in her ass. He kept firm, steady pressure on her clitoris with his other thumb.

Livy collapsed on the massage table as if she were in a coma and Rich gently took his hands away from her body. She reached up to him and he bent over the table and enfolded her in his arms. She had a sudden need to feel safe. The orgasms had been much stronger than she expected and she also became aware that she had been invaded rectally. She was now in serious need of reassurance. Fortunately, Rich understood all this and cradled her protectively.
12-08-2021, at 07:42 AM

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